Juliette - the one who doesn't give up.
Today I present to you Juliette Dumas. A song accompanies it, like karaoke, sing with me: “ let's let the sun in, let's let the sun in.... Let the sunshine, let the sunshine in...” You recognized it: “Hair » and her hymn to the sun, to the light, to freedom... It's all Juliette! but not only.
His history ?Juliette was born in Ivory Coast 49 years ago under a scorching sun. She has the luxury of not even cheating on her age, her complexion is youthful and when she walks... it looks like she is gliding on an air cushion. Lightness has always been his friend. But beware ! Behind the light veil of appearances, we find an incandescent block of convictions and humanity. Juliette therefore made the sun, light for the benefit of others, her reason for being and her profession. His professional debut was brilliant and promising. For 20 years, she successively climbed the ranks within two major international temples of communication and television. Influential, recognized, well paid... everything was fine... in this universe that many find glamorous and fantastical, on the surface. But, despite wonderful meetings and projects, without warning! the sun began to fail. No break, no noise, just the light slowly going out and the little dissonant music of a daily life that has become gray: the meetings we attend while daydreaming, outside of ourselves, the mood swings of colleagues, the skirmishes without stakes, the diktat of the principals or the ratings which hysterize the speakers, in short, the loss of meaning. Among all the verses written by René Char, each more beautiful than the last, one stands out here: “Lucidity is the wound closest to the sun” Yes Juliette, it’s painful to leave your comfort zone, but it is also terribly exciting, because it is the sun and its light that attract us to exist. Let the sunshine in! So one fine morning, Juliette left without looking back, leaving her linear and comfortable career plan. What to do ? Easy, as obvious: do good, or rather do good, transmit, enlighten, give meaning to the minute that passes.How ?1) First of all, Juliette founded the “Shine Academy” which offers workshops and conferences for companies or even individuals. Companies are crazy about bungee jumping instructors, retired soldiers who drag - more than they train - unfortunate executives in survival courses, so many gimmicks supposed to unite teams, halfway between burlesque and brainwashing. Juliette has been there in business, she knows all these caricatured “team building” recipes. No really, anything but that, Juliette is neither guru nor proselyte, just the bearer of a lived experience of which you will do what you want, freely, after having listened to it. Juliette tells you that she is also afraid, afraid of losing everything, afraid of not being good enough, but that she always has a mental jolt to find the little light that sparkles within her. A question of attitude, will, discernment and then, magic of the word and the look, we adhere. Don't forget that Tinker Bell was also called the “tinker” Fairy, the only one in the Fairy Kingdom capable of transforming reality without appearing to touch it. Recently Juliette went to Dubai to give a conference for women. She saw these little lights shining like so many fireflies when night falls. “By letting your inner light shine, you give others the opportunity to do the same,” said Mandela, whom Juliette quotes aptly, and Mandela knew about light in the midst of darkness, or rather in full obscurantism, it’s The same. 2) Juliette writes books, including one, decisive “ A minute a day to feel the sun, even if it doesn't shine” . It echoes everything that Juliette broadcasts in her conferences. She doesn't give us an American-style, systematic, self-proclaimed "method" that is unique and effective... boring and useless, really! No, read his book like you listen to a Leonard Cohen ballad. Let yourself be carried away by these few simple notes from Juliette which tell you:i) take responsibility for yourself by doing what you can before doing what you want. ii) don't expect anything from others, from institutions, from companies (...), give before you take. iii) you are the one who activates the “on/off” switch button to turn on the light. iv) the smallest light is much more captivating than all the darkness that surrounds it. v) tiny things that you can do with a minimum of generosity and will, can brighten a day and do good, that's not nothing... 3) metaphors inspire, but nothing beats the concrete. Juliette is obsessed (like me, it's contagious) by the useful effect of her convictions. Juliette cannot bear to remain idly faced with poverty and the most deprived. So she created an association “You share, You shine” . Yes, sharing is a source of light and life.Examples: i) the association asks travelers to collect the toiletry kits distributed on the planes of those who are lucky enough to travel in business class. ii) it tracks down all the available blankets as well as the bath towels that the hotels abandon iii) the same for the plastic cutlery of our urban picnics.... all these things called disposable for us, are all objects full of hygiene and dignity to be redistributed to those who sleep on the street... Today Juliette lives on income that is more uncertain than her previous salary in a company. What does it matter to him! She receives so much more intangible and moral dividends from all her actions and then she rekindles her inner flame. She creates a bond wherever she goes, something good will inevitably remain... and then, at the end of Havana, Robert Redford says to Lena Olin: "Do you know that a beating of dragonfly wings on the China Sea, can trigger a hurricane in the Caribbean...it's only a matter of time"....it's the "butterfly effect". Never underestimate the strength and will of fireflies, dragonflies, Tinkerbell or butterflies. The main trait of your character?Curiosity What quality do you prefer in a man/woman?Integrity. Your main fault?Super sensitive. Your favorite occupation (passion)?Give a hand. Your dream of happiness?The beach, the coconut trees, in the sun. The country where you would like to live?Los Roques Island (off the coast of Venezuela) For what ? I prefer this island above all else: life in shorts and bare feet (elegant simplicity). Your favorite film ?“The journey of a spoiled child” with Belmondo. Your hero or heroine?My guardian angel, he supports me unfailingly. The gift of nature that you would like to have?Have straight, thick hair. Your current state of mind?Feel the sun, even if it's not there! The Fault that inspires you the most indulgence?Bad taste. Your motto?Let the sunshine in. Your greatest pride ?My son ! What is the mantra that suits you the most in our collections:Never give up: I have this character of never giving up, it's easier to give up. What does our inspiration inspire you? Mister k brand. ?I love her designer, I love everything she does because she wears it really well. What would you like to say, advise, to people who discover you today?What if we all learned to feel the sun even if it doesn't shine? |