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Fatou Scherrer - the one who doesn't give up.-desktop Fatou Scherrer - the one who doesn't give up.-mobile

Fatou Scherrer - the one who doesn't give up.

Today I present to you Fatou , founder of MOTHER PARIS , advertising production agency, organization of filming, photoshoots, events, project management, created two years ago. She is also stunningly beautiful, which neither prevents nor cauterizes deep wounds.
Bamako, Mali, Fatou was 3 years old when she was entrusted to a new family.
A new mother and father, loving and generous, took her under their wings. From then on, the mysterious alchemy of resilience began its work. The refrain that runs through the pages of my book resonates in Fatou's head: Every wounded man is forced to metamorphosis (Boris Cyrulnik)… every little girl hurts even more. Fatou's metamorphosis is bright today, thanks to her determination and the kindness of her parents. She is both Fatou and Scherrer, what is the problem? There is none, to the great dismay of those who would advocate the forced ablation of its indelible part of Africa, which coexists in harmony with all its European achievements. We are the same age, we followed similar courses (ESMOD for Fatou) which predestined us for the same professional worlds. However, Fatou, who knows how to use humor and self-deprecation - two essential ingredients for progress in the daily grind, by the way - does not hesitate to claim that she is only an "unfinished creative person". As a result, she compensated for this annoyance with a wonderful sense of organization - which I envy her, naturally! - in supporting the missions entrusted to him. In 10 years, initially spent in two successive agencies (Profirst and Coandco), before launching into the deep end of his own company, Fatou capitalized on remarkable know-how in the management of the submerged part of the iceberg of all artistic production: coordination of creative teams and external service providers, logistics of events and communication plans, setting up budgets, managing invoicing... So many things that I would like to know how to do without getting too distracted, but fortunately Astrid and Agathe came to fill this deficit. Depending on her studies and the clients she has served, Fatou has operated in the luxury industry (e.g. Piaget, Rolex, Tudor, etc.). It's not a personal inclination, it was an opportunity. On this occasion, however, she appreciated what we rarely see in this sector of excellence, which is the intact spirit of craftsmanship in all its nobility. All the big houses, which have become flagships of our country (and its trade balance) are at the heart of a profound change. Their uninterrupted growth will only make sense, and be even more profitable, if they respect the fundamentals of their social and environmental responsibility. In this vein, Fatou understood that the time had come to change software. It favors action plans and eco-responsible productions, even if it means making drastic choices regarding its missions. At Mister K we fully recognize ourselves in this “circular economy” approach by proclaiming Creating beauty, doing good, doing it well . Fatou and I, with many others, are traveling companions and friends, it's not an opportunity, it's a mission. A wind has risen in the luxury industry and we are watching with interest the “fashion pact” advocated by FH Pinault, CEO of the powerful Kering group. There is no going back, unless you are driven by slow self-destruction. The wisest of the big players now know that they would be “shooting themselves in the foot” if they took refuge behind the “as long as nothing changes”. We cannot imagine that the “fashion pact” is only a communications tool. that would be hopeless and stupid, but these great actors are not stupid. If they do not change certain practices (more frugal transport and logistics, zero waste, respect for the human factor and working conditions, especially in emerging countries, etc.), it is not so much the laws of a country that will catch up with them , but an unwritten universal law, that of social networks and influencers, which will directly impact their stock market and/or their reputation. No one is stupid, in fact, but everyone must pass the ultimate test of sincerity and that is the real reveal. It’s great to display “ values” in all promotional documents. Who today does not show that he promises ethics and morality in all daily actions, “because it sells, Coco! ". But behind the flashy window and the veil of appearances, can they guarantee the eco-responsible traceability of their production chain, do they respect the human factor without cynicism or abuse of weakness in management, do they find meaning in their profits? ? All in all, sincerity is not displayed on flyers, it is an intimate attitude, we have it or we do not have it.
Confucius always had dazzling visions: He who plants virtue must not forget to water it often !
You will have understood, Fatou - even if she doesn't recognize it - is creative and creates value in the way she moves forward in life with her loose and falsely nonchalant, elegant step! Link creator and above all accompanying her productions without letting go for a single second of the hand of those who call on her. It’s no coincidence that the company she created is called MOTHER . A mother must never let go of her offspring, and yet... Fatou also passionately loves cinema, painting - she often launches into bursts of lyrical abstraction, brushes in hand - and literature. As we part, at the end of the beautiful summer which is slowly dragging on, she confesses to me a particular tenderness for "The Train of My Life", by Jean d'Ormesson, much more moving than academic, for once, and I I was upset:

At birth, we board the train and meet our parents

And we believe that they will always travel with us

However, at a station, our parents will get off the train

Leaving us alone to continue the journey

We don't know which station we will get off at, so

Let's live happily, love and forgive,

Nib: CH

The main trait of your character?


What quality do you prefer in a man/woman?


Your main fault?

Independence .

Your favorite occupation (passion)?

Discuss with my friends on all subjects.

Your dream of happiness?

Share moments with passionate people.

The country where you would like to live?

I am truly Parisian,

but if I had to leave France I would choose a radically different destination:

a Cyclades island in Greece.

I find nature there extremely beautiful and wild.

Your favorite work?
I love the band Arcade Fire!
Your hero or heroine?

In life I don't really have a hero or heroine or more precisely I have too many, I can't choose.

So I'm going to go towards fiction and choose Batman because he is one of the only superheroes who does not have superpowers to fight against crime.

The gift of nature that I would like to have?

The gift of ubiquity.

Your current state of mind?

Determined to complete my projects successfully.

The Fault that inspires you the most indulgence?


What is your greatest pride?

My journey.

What is the mantra that suits you the most in our collections:

Together Stronger : Alone we go faster, together we go further.

What does our inspiration inspire you? Mister k brand. ?

Mister K is proof that a new fashion is possible.

Creative, committed and responsible.

What would you like to say, advise, to people who discover you today?

That we must trust life and trust ourselves. We are often our own brakes.