It was with a certain apprehension and great excitement that we presented our new summer products to you more than a month ago. And perhaps you noticed that some of our pieces had grown wings on this occasion...they dared to leave their solid colors and were adorned with their most beautiful prints!

At Mister K, we have several ways of working when we think about our colors and patterns and we really wanted to share these processes with you.
One option is to buy an existing print but only from the great English house Liberty. Which was the case for Max and Victor last April, who left as quickly as they arrived... The second, and the one that is obviously most important to us, is the development of a print designed by us . And yes, it’s the big premiere this season! We decided to focus on creating our own prints, for this we first started with a great collaboration with my friend Marie-Victoire de Bascher with whom I was at Studio Berçot. We thought together about a floral print that I wanted to offer for the summer. I had in mind a dark background and small light flowers, Marie-Victoire went on an unexpected path and I was won over! This is how a purely floral theme was transformed into a revisited zebra print that you find on the Max dress or the Hardy skirt (and a floral surprise will arrive in even a week, signed by the talented MV - for the intimate)! During the development of this collection, the time also came to grab my pencils... a logical continuation of my training as a stylist, what I love to do above all, and what I had a little sidelined until now, this present consisting of always chasing time. The trigger? during my trip to the United States last Christmas when we left for the West Coast with my +1, skilled surfer!! Obviously, back in Paris, after immersing myself in all this Californian culture, the first sketches of the Gerry shirt (in reference to the surfer Gerry Lopez, the idol of the said boyfriend) appeared! A surfer here, a tropical flower there, a palm tree in the corner... The idea was there! But it took a little more to create a print... Once again my +1 helped me a lot by explaining to me how to bring all these drawings together. We scanned my sketches, grouped them together in a harmonious way to make a pretty universe that would be repeated... The little surfer girls print was born, and I'm quite proud of it I must say! It took me 3 full days and 3 nights to achieve this unique print, but the pleasure I took in it, and the joy of the result made me forget my dark circles and my hair which was turning increasingly white. In the same way, all the patterns for our clothes are developed by us, we mount our own fabrics and construct each piece from start to finish thanks to the invaluable help of Jean-Michel, our talented pattern maker, in his Parisian workshop. With us, there is no question of “shopping”, of copying existing models by changing a few details to see nothing but fire….
No, for us it is too important to stand out with a cut, a material, an embroidery, a print, carefully thought out and developed over months of adjustments for a result: perfect, yes I dare say it...
Finally, to tell you the truth, here is how I put together a brief accompanied by inspirations, trend boards, range of colors... After a first draft of sketches and a few modifications, we define the material and send the files to our supplier. French fabrics (in an OEKO-TEX certified printing company, whose dyes are non-toxic). He will then send the printed fabric back to our dear Mr. Stanislaw who has no more secrets for you, to his factory in Poland to make the first prototypes. A few final adjustments to size, length and details... Without forgetting our embroidered mantras on each model: with us, a print equals a mantra! We can finally photograph the room from every angle and share it with you by initiating reservations! If you liked our first prints, stay tuned, we have a new one for you in a few days, unbearable suspense...!
Nib: BPB