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Post 9: Kit the look match during the K!-desktop Post 9: Kit the look match during the K!-mobile

Post 9: Kit the look match during the K!

Tips for looks during K


The long-awaited episode (… by me anyway ;)) of LOOK during K has arrived ;)

About 1 month before Parisian Women's Fashion Week , this post is a good taste of the essentials to have in your wardrobe, for looks during the K , for the winter season even if it's the end of the sales, there is still time to do some business or go through your closet to find forgotten wonders ;)

Indeed, as superficial as it may seem, I think it is important during the K battle to keep a keen eye on one's clothing appearance. Not changing your habits so much, not letting yourself go, are also part of the keys to arming yourself with strength in my opinion!

For my K , I had to revise a lot of codes ( practical/functional/comfortable/because of my weight loss, among other things ), because I went through multiple phases that could have very clearly let me go to the dark side de la f(a)rce, the pajama party look every day! But no ! I forbade myself to do that, I didn't study fashion design for so many years to look like Auntie Danielle at 28 !

I decided to once again boost my card for a wardrobe of essentials, to my taste, to feel beautiful (I haven't always made the best choices, according to P. who was frightened more than once times, but that, even before the K , it did not always validate my strange/experimental attempts at Fashion addict like my “ pigeon droppings/vomit” printed pants for example ;))

In short, this post will therefore be made up

A look at each “step” of my K journey:

1) chemo look

2) hospital look

3) home look / home care

4) exit look

5) Ostomy look

6) my saK always with me & well stocked with essentials!!

So I start with:



During chemo, we are still often in an “open space”, therefore exposed to the risk of meeting a handsome doctor ( George Clooney if possible) even dressed as Mister Freeze / Smurf head, I wanted to be presentable, while being warmly covered, because freezing “thanks” to Mister Freeze during and while leaving (you can see the orga chemo kit in my post 6, post 3, & post 4 )

My musts to plan were:

ALWAYS MY PANTIES / SHORTY "sexy" seamless, super comfortable so as not to make marks under leggings (that once again is personal, I hate thongs...)

  • used for all my looks

- 1 V-neck T-shirt wide enough to make it easier to place the needle on the pack (I love the ones from American Vintage which come in all colors, but that's personal)

- 1 “pretty” / printed leggings for comfort *

- 1 warm buttoned cardigan as a 2nd layer (at Zara , or C&A their cashmere cardigans are great, very soft, warm and inexpensive)

- 1 large, very warm knitted jacket as a 3rd layer

- 2 scarves: because if you put Mister Freeze on it drips, so it's better to bring 2, to keep your neck dry, it would be stupid to catch a cold too

- my pair of BLACK compression stockings because I stayed lying down for a long time (yes I say black, because initially the hospital had offered me white ones with the tips of my feet holed / toes exposed, I guarantee you that in terms of sexy attitude I could hardly do worse, so I ended up buying black ones!!!)

- 1 pair of thick socks

- my pair of UGGs , even if everyone finds them ugly, it's still the warmest and most comfortable invention of the 21st century for our little toes (well... small ones... not mine, I wear a good 40 … ;))

- 1 or 2 hats because if like me you put Mister Freeze on, you have to cover your head when it's finished, otherwise = sore throat!

* my choices of leggings were the hardest for P., because I take responsibility for everything, even if it is doubtful... I had put together a set bought on ASOS : Leopard, floral / potpourri / Tie & Dye / flag American, discreet class! (otherwise at American Apparel or H&M )



Well I'm not going to lie to you, at the hospital it wasn't really the look that took precedence, but rather the useful/practical, so for me it looked like:

- Always the V-neck T-shirts wide enough to be able to change easily with the performance

- THE super comfortable pants , those from Monoprix with roll-up waist, like jersey jogging pants, they are great!! or commonly called dancing pants

- Always the BLACK compression stockings seen above (bring several pairs – because at the hospital we keep them on all the time if you are bedridden for a long time)

- Always my big socks

- Always my UGGs!

- A hat to hide greasy hair ;)

- And the MUST thanks to my best friend A. a pretty pouch / cover / laundry bag / pajamas cover , to hide the urinary catheter (which I had for each operation and especially for the BIG operation where I stayed for 1 month in the hospital accompanied by my Cover / Probe ( see post 2 ). A. had this prodigious idea seeing that I was very self-conscious about the idea of ​​walking around with my pee bag, so this cover had a great success at the hospital and immense use ;) THANK YOU A. for this “dignity” tool hihi <3



If, like me, convalescence at home takes a long time to anticipate, don't give in to the temptation of wearing piloupilou pajamas all day ;)!!! Opt for an ultimate comfort collection but a little “dressy”! My choice were my famous leggings so appreciated by P., I dared everything ahah

And it's good for morale to feel like you're changing a little every day with different prints (I stayed locked up at home for 4 months , with morning & evening care, including parenteral infusions, so for the great team of nurses and all my friends who came by every evening I had to be “looked up” / to also hide my ostomy bag *)

My choices were:

- My eternal super comfortable T-shirts

- my collection of leggings of all kinds

- my compression stockings

- my pretty designer ballerinas, because I love shoes!!!

- my big, soft sweater that's a little long because I think it looks great with leggings and ballet flats (a bit like Audrey Hepburn in the wild version) ;)

* if you don't know what an OSTOMY is, I'll leave it to you to check on the internet, I still can't find the slight angle that allows me to characterize it best hihi :)

Let's say that in essence it is a derivative of “substances” leaving the intestines via a “shortcut” (a plastic bag // for the record I had a temporary stoma for 4 months)...

4) OSTOMY LOOK / the “famous”


As seen above, to hide the OSTOMY ( which for me was placed 3 cm to the right of the navel ) it was, wide & long T-shirt or wide dress , so for the day it was my wardrobe mentioned above, but to receive my friends in the evening it was the wide dress option / ditto for my rare outings ;)

So it looked like this:

- wide dress (the THELMA / LOUISE / SPRING dresses from Sezane are perfect in idea – new collection online very very soon / a bit of advertising - I work as a stylist at Sezane, see post: THANK YOU SEZANE ;) )

- low-rise tights for pregnant women (at Dim for example):

1) so as not to press on my scar

2) to avoid pressing on the stoma

- boots to be: Cha-booted

- a tank top to put under the dress and inside my tights so as not to catch a cold in my stomach ;)

- my eternal hat to hide my roots because I had decided to only wash my hair every 5 days :( (as seen in my post 7: hair obsession )


cancer exit look

For my outings, it was rather basic but to be really comfortable and reassured, I opted for:

- my running shoes thanks to which I walked “very very quickly” like a snail

- my slim jeans for pregnant women for:

1) support and hold the Stoma (thanks to the large Kangaroo pouch)

2) don't put too much pressure on my 33 cm scar on my stomach

( see Zara, for the slim "pregnancy" ones in particular, they are great )

- my great Footlocker socks/slippers to let the air out of my ankles, that way you couldn't see sneakers sticking out of my socks, it's more chic and always prettier with slightly short skinny pants (thanks Flo for this great discovery )

- and my superb Zelda Citroen turban to look stylish :) - go to Zelda's turbans website, she can make them tailor-made for you: www.zeldacitroen.com


cancer filled handbag

Well... everyone has their own neuroses, I have quite a few haha ​​but above all I always need to walk around with my house in my bag to help my back pain, so I'm not going to elaborate on everything that there is inside, my illustration speaks for itself ;)


LEGGINGS: at ASOS , H&M or American Apparel

COMFORT / DANCER PANTS : from Monoprix

PANTY / SHORTY (seamless): at ASOS

COMPRESSION STOCKINGS ( take them perfectly to your size ): black!

PRETTY BAGS / COVERS ( to hide urinary catheters ): Curiosity mobile , or Nina store

Thank you for taking the time to read me :)

See you next Friday for new tips: VERY IMPORTANT: all treatments alongside booster & well-being !!!

& if you are also a K fighter , you discover my blog today and you need other practical tips, I invite you to go to the section: TIP KIT

Or read previous posts:





- Post 6: KIT OF THE EFFECTS OF MY CHEMO COCKTAILS (Carboplatin / Taxol / Avastin)







PS: to follow all my next tips & posts by email,

subscribe from COMPUTER or Tablet : it’s in the left bar under “About”,

if it's from your SMART PHONE: go to the very top under the logo click on "+ INFO" then under "About" ( it's very simple, just enter your email in the "I SUBSCRIBE" section / then click on “CLICK HERE”, you will receive a confirmation email to accept and that’s good! // you can also follow everything on my Facebook page ;)


Look's Tips during Mister K fighting



The episode that you have all been waiting for you (by me at least ;) the LOOK during the K;)

One month before the Parisian Fashion Week , this post is a preview of the must haves that you need to have in your dressing room during the K, in winter ;)

In fact as much as it can seem superficial, I do believe that it is important during the battle to pay attention to your look. To not change too much our habits, and to not let yourself go, this is as well part of the arms to be able to fight the battle.

For my K, there was a lot of things that I had to revise ( practical, functional, comfortable/ and also due to my loss of weight ), because I went through different phases that could have led me to the dark/ letting it go side, the pajama party look every day! But no! I had forbidden that, I haven't done so many years of design study to look to like Aunt Betty !

So I decided to use my card once and for all for a Dressing of Must haves , that fit my taste and that would make me feel beautiful (I haven't always made the right decisions, that's what P always says, who often would freak out when he would see me wearing a pair of pants with an indian / pee pattern ;))

So this post will be organized by look by “steps” during my battle of the K:

1) chemo look

2) hospital look

3) look home / medicine at home

4) look going out

5) Stomi look (glam attitude)

6) my Bag always with me & filled with essentials!!

I start with:



During the chemo, we are often seated in an “open space” so exposed to meet a beautiful doctor ( Docteur Mc Dreamy / Shepherd if possible) even wearing my Mister Freeze , I wanted to look ok, and most important being dressed with warm clothes , because “glagla” thanks to Mister Freeze during and after (you can find the Organization Chemo kit in my post 6, post 3, & post 4 )

My must to have where:

ALWAYS MY PANTY / SHORTY without threads to not make any marks under a legging (this is very personal I hate thongs)

  • used for all my looks

- 1 V collar T-shirt large enough to facilitate the laying of the needle on the pack (I love the ones from American Vintage and they exist in all the colors but again it's personal)

- 1 “nice” legging / with a nice print for comfort *

- 1 warm buttoned up cardigan as a second layer (at Zara, or C&A their cashmere cardigans in cashmere are amazing, very soft, warm and not expensive)

- 1 big warm knitted sweater as a 3rd layer

- 2 scarves: Because if you put on Mr Freeze, drops are falling on your shoulders so to prevent to get more sick i would protect my neck

- Support stockings in BLACK because I would stay all the time laying in my bed (I insist on black because at the beginning the hospital had given me a white pair with holes on the top so that my toes would stick out, I could hardly handle this sexy attitude, so I finally bought a black pair!!!)

- 1 pair of big and warm socks

- a pair of UGGS , even though everyone thinks it's ugly it is the best and warmest invention of the 21st century for our little fessais (well…little..not really I am a good 9…;))

- 1 or 2 knit hats because if like me you were Mister Freeze, you will need to cover yourself once it's done you need to warm up, otherwise it's the flu knocking at the door!

* my choice of leggings were the hardest for P. because I am at ease with all my choices even the weirdest once.. I had ordered a bunch of leggings on ASOS : with the weirdest print (american flag, leopard print American Apparel or H&M ) let's say that I was very elegant!



Well I am not going to lie to you, at the hospital the look wasn't really that important but more the practical / comfort side, so for me it was more:

- 1 V collar T-shirt large enough to be able to change the drip easily

- THE pair of super comfortable pants , the ones from Monoprix with the adaptable waistband, in jersey are great! Or likely named Dancing pants

- Always black stockings seen above (take a few pairs because you will wear them all the time)

- Always the big socks

- Always the UGGS!

- A hat to hide the dirty hair ;)

- And the MUST thanks to my bestfriend A. a nice clutch / cover / to hide my urinary probe. A had this amazing idea when she saw of complexed I was to walk around with my pee pocket, so then this joyful cover had a lot of success at the hospital ;) THANK YOU A. for this amazing object hihi <3 / see the post 2

- Always the V-neck T-shirts wide enough to be able to change easily with the performance

- THE super comfortable pants , those from Monoprix with roll-up waist, like jersey jogging pants, they are great!! or commonly called dancing pants



If like me the convalescence at home, will be a long period, do not concede to the temptation of the soft pajamas all day!! Go for something comfortable but still a bit “ dressed up ”! My choices were the beautiful leggings that were very much appreciated by P., I did it all ahaha…

And it's good for the mental to feel that everyday you are changing clothes / patterns (I was stuck at home for 4 months, with home care every morning and every night, so for this amazing team of nurses and friends that would stop by, i needed to “look good” / and also to hide my stoma pocket *)

My choices were:

- My eternal T shirts very comfortable

- my huge collection of leggings

- my stockings

- my nice designer pair of ballerinas because I love shoes!!!

- my big weather in a very soft material that i would wear with my leggings and my ballerinas (Audrey Hepburn style, wilde style) ;)

* even you don't know what is a STOMO I let you google it, i cannot find the way to approach the subject on the blog :-) Let's say that it is a derivation of "substances" coming out of the intestines through a shortcut…

4) LOOK STOMO / the “famous” one


Like you can see above, to hide the STOMI (that for me was located 3 cm below the navel) It was large & long T Shirt or large dress, so for the day it was the outfit explained above but to receive my friends during the evening it was the option of large dresses / same for my few evenings out ;)

So it looked like this:

- large dresses (the dresses THELMA / LOUISE / SPRING from Sezane (the brand I work for as a designer ;)) are perfect in this idea ;)

- low stockings for pregnant women (you can find them at dim for example):

1) not to push or touch my scar

2) to not push or touch my Stomi

- boots to be like Puss in boots

- a tank top to wear under my dress and to put inside my stockings to get cold ;)

- my eternal hat to hide my roots as I could only was my hair every 5 days (seen in my post 7: hair obsession )



For my outside evenings, it was very basic to feel comfortable and reassured, I would then go for:

- my running shoes thanks to them i walked “very very fast” like a snail

- my slim jeans for pregnant women to:

1) to hide and contain my stomi

2) and not pressure the scar (at Zara they are amazing)

- my amazing socks / slippers to let my ankles get some air, like this you don't see them, it's more chic and more beautiful with a short slim (thanks flo for this discovery)

- and my amazing Turban Zelda Citroen to look very cool☺ www.zeldacitroen.com



Well everyone has their own neurosis, well i have a few but most importantly i need to walk around with my house in my bag to help me my back pains, so i won't develop everything that is in the bag, i guess the illustration speaks by itself ;)


LEGGINGS: ASOS , H&M or American Apparel




NICE CLUTCH / COVER / TO HIDE probes: Mobile of curiosity , or Nina store

Thank you for having taken the time to read me ☺

Next post: the Side Care treatments !

Read my last posts:

- Post 3: CHEMO’s EVE


- Post 4: CHEMO'S day after


- Post 6: "Happy Hour" Chemo's cocktail tips




- Post 8: BEAUTY KIT



PS: to follow all my posts & tips SUBSCRIBE online or on my facebook page ;)
