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1 year ago now, when I was told that I was FINALLY in remission, I decided to take on a new Battle (otherwise I get bored quickly haha ;)): take legal action, to attack the 2 practitioners who clearly missed my K, and who treated me like an imaginary patient for 2 years... ( to reread the PAVE it's here ;) )
I remind you that before the discovery of my K of the ovary in Stage 3c in April 2013, the “pleasure” part of the suffering had already started 2 years earlier, at the time these 2 had diagnosed me with " functional colopathy", medical name for inexplicable and unexplained stomach aches... without ever the slightest questioning or serious research to verify this damn diagnosis... while the K sneakily took hold of me during all these years of suffering!
Today JUSTICE was delivered to me thanks to my lawyer and the CCI of France (the medical accident compensation commission), my gynecologist was found to be at fault, for “ lack of monitoring and vigilance” (…) “attributable delay in diagnosis (…) absence of questioning of the initial diagnosis ”, BIM, well yeah it’s certain: when you don’t look, you can’t find!! Justice was fair!
And my moral recognition is a key point in my work of acceptance, I did not undertake all this out of a desire for revenge, nor out of greed, but after having passed myself off as a "psychosomatist" for 2 years, after having never sought anything else despite my numerous alarm bells of pain, I needed justice to speak and it spoke in my favor!
I'm light today, this K stole almost 3 years of my life, some will probably ask themselves why always want to fight, why not forget, not let go...?
Well on the one hand it's my character (quite obvious if you've followed me from the beginning) I think, and on the other hand how can we forget a 3 year tsunami of suffering...
My eyes look to the future, yes, but to fully move forward into the future I had to sweep away this heavy past, I know that it won't bring back everything I left behind, that the damage of this damn Cancer in my life today are irreversible, that I cannot bear a child, but at least I was recognized by a competent Commission, my history peeled and laid bare, to assess the failings of these 2 doctors, and this moral/psychological recognition will be eternal!
All this to say, that if you feel a terrible feeling of injustice, it is possible to appeal to this Commission, if you feel the need, if you have the energy, and above all, if you are objectively victims poor medical practices. Not all cases are at fault, i.e. open to an error in diagnosis, but one thing is certain, to begin a process of acceptance, no door must be left open; they must be closed, one by one, including the judicial door, if necessary. Afterwards, we can never predict the verdict but one thing is sure, if we don't try, we don't know!
What I know is that I have heard a thousand opinions (from eternal skeptics), telling me “you know in France it is very complicated, even impossible to attack doctors”, but determined, as long as I do not see not by myself, the skeptics don't stop me, on the contrary they motivate me to go and check for myself, and I did well!
It was hard, it was trying but I wanted it and I did well!
By engaging in this battle, I always told myself, whatever the outcome, you will have tried everything…. And I did well !
I preferred the Commission route rather than a classic procedure before the courts, because my lawyer explained to me that it was less long, and less psychologically painful as a battle than a civil or criminal procedure which can last for years, punctuated by very violent expertise….
The Commission can be contacted with or without a lawyer, you submit a complete and detailed file to them.
Don't give up today, or ever!
Justice or at least correctness also invites me to say that for 2 practitioners at fault I have met an innumerable crowd of doctors, surgeons, medical staff (...) incredibly humane and talented. They haven't let me go... I won't forget them.
For those who are interested, I'll let you look here:
and ask for the valuable opinions of Juris Santé or Cancer Contribution , I am sure they will be able to guide you ;)
Have a nice day everyone.
PS: special dedication to P, my parents (Dad in particular who fought this battle head-on alongside me and without whom I would not have made it to the end), my friends who will recognize each other, your numerous certificates and your support since the first day have clearly worked in my favor, it is OUR victory to move forward towards a more beautiful life :) <3
A huge thank you also to my "coach" D, to Dr L, Prof M, the Norwegian Professors for supporting me in this action, your letters had a considerable weight in the balance... Thank you