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Post 22: The fighting Kit // Duality-desktop Post 22: The fighting Kit // Duality-mobile

Post 22: The fighting Kit // Duality

<:fr> Presentation of my Kits project (further down in the post ;))
From now on, if you don't have the strength to read me, or just the curiosity to listen to me babble live, you can also listen to this post, at the very bottom of the article ;)


As you have understood, I am in a phase of intense transcendental reflection, & ideas that abound, just that!

When Mister K shows up we can't waste time, but when Mister K leaves it is even more important not to lose a single crumb of life, of precious time, so it goes!!!!

Indeed, as I was able to mention in my previous posts, thinking about yourself, or organizing a new life , my reflection for the day is very close to all these reflections.

When one has fought for one's life, let's say that priorities are revised 360°!

And when Mister K gives way to Miss Remission , we take stock of what we have become ( well also the feathers we left behind, I admit ) and what we want to be!

Without having radically changed, Mister K revealed, I believe, my deep being, and today it is this same deep being which begins a duel, cleaning up between what I keep from before the illness and what my new life must be !

Everything is not to be thrown away haha, but my aspirations are different, more intense I imagine, having touched the very essence of life ( the fear of dying, yes, it's not bad ), I cannot and I no longer have the right to be satisfied with a return to normality, to be content.

Everything must be essential, everything must be sensible, thoughtful!

Everything must allow my life to be better and more beautiful!

But everything must be filtered, however my filter quickly drowns in too much impatience. And above all can quickly give way, I admit, to a certain form of intolerance, of intransigence, with myself first, but with others too, and a desire for freedom so great that it often intoxicates me in full flight, taking me to the limits of the " rebellious attitude " and no longer capable of the slightest compromise... oops!

Maybe I'm becoming mystical in fact, a little spiritual ( counter ), but isn't real life about giving meaning, everyone placing their cursor where they want it, my cursor is is to make this Cancer an asset, a strength, and for my life after, a driving force.

As our friend Bob Marley said :

“You never know how strong you are, until the day being strong remains your only solution”

My cursor today, still a bit of a mess, wants to give and must give meaning; this blog was my first way of giving meaning to my new life, my Essentials Kit project is my way of giving meaning by giving you my “keys”, my “essentials” to arm your fight ( I tell you more, lower ).

Without obviously forgetting to give meaning, by taking care of the people I love because I must admit that for some time I had left them on the sidelines ;)

Giving meaning is first of all putting yourself in front of a mirror and saying to yourself, I'm going for it, I must not regret anything, I must make the most of life now by giving meaning to my life!

I must learn to look at today and not tomorrow, put the cursor back in the right place, at balance, curb my impatience, and my eternal desire to go further too quickly, without looking at my track!

I'm no longer afraid, and no longer have the right to be afraid of stupid things like before!

You have to learn to balance between giving meaning and having fun, finding the right balance!!

I keep repeating it but these are essential points for me because not only am I impatient, but I am also stubborn with an obsessive/verbose tendency (but if you have been following me for some time you have understood)

Wow, that's a lot to balance in my mental mess...

I must become an "adult", yes I was not really an "adult" before K, and I am stronger, more mature, perhaps more thoughtful today but I am not yet an "adult" because I am not am not wise, i.e. literally, not capable of wisdom.

The wisdom of adults is knowing how to let go, having the necessary perspective so as not to waste one's energy in bad fights. I can't change the world, I can't change malicious people, and above all I can't change people who don't think like me ( ahah, too bad they don't know what they're losing ;)!! ). I just have to chart my course by living with it, and increase my degree of tolerance by letting it flow, leaving room only for what is really important ( important for me I mean, because once again, the The accuracy that we claim is very personal, and I am no one to say that my vision is the right one, it's just mine ;) ) => maximum tolerance, you see I'm getting there hehe.

The key to a more beautiful life, I believe that it first involves going to the essential , my eternal story of virtuous spirals (virtuous circles), in fact, when we let ourselves be guided by this dynamic of life we masters his own life on the one hand, but above all, nothing matters except the essentials. Refocusing on the fundamentals, such as love, peace with oneself, the pleasure of sharing with good & beautiful people, that's life, at least the one that I defend today.

I was too angry, in the battle, Mister K is no longer there (finally), I no longer have to fight, except to build a more beautiful life.

The hazards of K are so innumerable, that everything you master must be ultimate, a conscious choice, benevolent for yourself, if this is not the case you must change course immediately!

Focus only on the good things that life has in store, nurture your projects, surround yourself with good people who wish you well, and to whom you want to give good things in exchange, consider a child differently....

My best friend gave me the most beautiful proof of love in the world, she thought carefully and said to me one day:

“you know I am ready to carry your child, I have considered everything from all angles, it would not pose any problem”,

I was stunned, upset…. she freed me because I finally saw this gray area from another angle, a fantasy became palpable, because love is stronger than anything, and thanks to her love she opened my eyes to the path to 'another possible... It's the most beautiful proof of friendship and love possible, isn't it...? #thank you to exist

Finally, although I am not a believer, I realize that I am touching on reflections and in a certain way religious values; I no longer have the time, nor the desire, there is no more room for the filter of appearances, I only focus on what is good!

OK OK, it would be a lie to say that my conduct is purely spiritual, or exemplary (I tell myself a little about it with my flights of fancy) but I see the right path to follow, I hope.

This damn K taught me that today I no longer had the right to waste my energy unnecessarily, if the stars do not align for the best; you have to rethink the right fit, you have to be happy without reservation after this K, and without any hassle, put everything back together if this is not the case. Yes, learning to be happy, yes yes it can be learned, I promise I am in the learning phase!

There will no longer be any uncontrollable obstacle on my way!

The hazards of life such as bereavement and illness are uncontrollable, we must control 100% what will make us happy as the rest does not depend on us!

And it is precisely guided by this same reflection - giving meaning, not giving up - that I decided 8 months ago to create my blog, relaying all my tips which helped me arm myself with more courage, to face the war of K, to deliver my Tip Kits to the "Others" who need them today I know as much as I needed them (I know this thanks to your numerous messages: I do not I wouldn't allow myself to speak for you ;))!

During my battle the “Others” supported me a lot; but true generosity is not a question of debit/credit, true generosity is free. You don't ask me for any account, however everything starts again for me with the feeling that this meaning that I want to give must go to the "K fighters" in one way or another, who live the war of the K as I have crossing. Since I have been in Remission (September 2014), after such an ordeal I am no longer quite the same, stronger above all, and share my rage to live with those who are experiencing the battle against " Mister K" .

At first, frankly, it was a personal outlet; then immediately my words, my story found a vast echo, yours, gratifying, but also arousing a form of new responsibility: I could no longer abandon the blog and undo all this web of life, I had to continue, as if it were obvious.

In my story, the life force was nestled as you have understood throughout the posts, in the little things in my eyes essential, which connect you to life, routines such as coquetry , beauty , physical dignity and morality , "girly" futility, "Candy Crush" , my "parallel" wellness medicines ...

Since the creation of the blog 8 months ago , therefore, thanks to your numerous feedback, you who follow me ( I take this opportunity to thank you for the trust and complicity you give me ), I realize how much the needs of well-being and beauty are also fundamental for all of us, a great “Community” united by the same force, that of fighting for our lives.

From this observation a new idea was born a few months ago: to continue my blog in another form, a sort of natural avatar; to make this Mister K fighting Kit real, through real physical Kits , I am convinced that all those who are going through the ordeal will like to find the little flame of life and energy, concentrated in a small box // an “ Essentials Kit ” => “The Fighting Kit” illustrated by my drawings, containing all the necessary softness & strength, essential, adapted, specialized products, surprises and above all a feeling of belonging to a cosmopolitan family but strong and which will not let go, the invisible link which unites us K fighters ... My idea is therefore to integrate into these Kits a wide choice, because it is very important in my opinion, to give you the choice, both the disease often falls leaving you no choice! Because like you, my world collapsed at the announcement of the K, like you I was afraid, like you I didn't know where to start... And like you, I thought (a lot) about my dignity, remaining the “same”, with my hair and my nailsAnd like you, I fought!

I would have liked to have been given the keys right away... That's why I created my blog: Mister K fighting Kit & today that's the reason why I designed these Kits, In short, boxes of dignity and gentleness, designed for the sick by a former patient, I hope you will like them and above all that they will help you.

And as I told you in my previous post, you will discover these famous Essential Kits next JANUARY if everything aligns well (time to put everything in place, to start with a beautiful, super clear and intuitive site from September j 'hope) .

I can't wait to show you the more precise "look" of these Kits that I have thought so much about, over many days and nights!

Here's a little live preview of the factory that manufactures them (well, the image quality is not exceptional, I grant you, but I was so impatient to share it with you :)) :


I don't even dare to reread it because I must have tired you out with my long tirades! hehe

Thank you to those who followed this reading to the end :)

Amen ;)

Have a nice day & see you soon!



<:en> Presentation of my Kits project (lower in the post) ☺
From now on, if you don't have the strength to read me, or just the curiosity to listen to me stammering in live, you can also listen to this post at the bottom of the article. (but sorry only in French for the moment, my English accent is terrible, I'm too shy to express my voice for the moe,t, and I'm not the translator ;)) presentationkit-thefightingkit-mister-k-fighting-kit-en


As you all understand, I am currently in a phase of intense transcendental reflection and ideas that abound, just that!

When Mister K shows up, we can't lose time, but when Mister K goes away it is even more important not losing a life crumb, precious time and so on….

Indeed, as I evoked in my previous posts, thinking about us, or organize a brand new life: orga nouvelle vie , my thinking of the day joined closely all these reflections.

When we fought for our life, let's say that priorities are revised at 360°!

And when Mister K gives way to Miss Remission , we take stock of all that we become (also feathers we leave there, I admit it) and what we want to be!

Without drastically changing me, Mister K revealed, I think, my inner being, and today this is the same inner being that starts a duel, tidy up between what I keep before the illness and what my new life must be!

All is not in order to throw ha-ha, but my aspirations are different more intense I guess, having touched the essence of life (the fear of dying) and I can no longer have a right to satisfy myself of a return to normality.

Everything must be considered essential, and thoughtful!

Everything must allow my life to be better and more beautiful!

But all must filter me, however my filter drowning fast without too much impatience, and especially can quickly take place I admit it to intolerance form, intransigence with myself first, but with others too and a desire of freedom so huge that it intoxicates me in full flight, leading me to the limits of “rebel attitude “and not capable of the slightest compromise… OOPS.

Maybe I am becoming mystical in fact, a little bit spiritual (armchair) but real life isn't give sense, each placing their cursor according to their preferences, mine is to make this cancer a strength, an asset, and for my future life , a motor.

My cursor, today always messy, wants to give and must give sense, this blog was my first way to give sense to my brand new life, my essential kit project is my way to give sense by giving you my “keys”, my “ essential” to arm your fight (I tell you more about that, lower)

As our friend Bob Marley told to us:

You never know at what point you are strong, until the day when being strong is the only solution.”

Give a meaning, is first to get in front of a mirror and say I rush. I owe nothing to regret I have to enjoy life to the fullest now by giving meaning to my life!

I must learn to watch today and not tomorrow, put the cursor in the right place, curb my impatience and my eternal desire to go far too fast, without looking to your track.

I'm not frightened anymore, and don't have the right to be afraid of crap as before!

We must learn how to dose between giving meaning to our life and having fun, finding the good balance.

I repeat to myself but it ’s for me the essential points, because not only I am impatient but on top of that I am stubborn, obsessively inclined, verbose (however if you follow me for a while, you are already aware)

Olalala, that ’s a lot of things to balance in my mind mess…

Becom ing adult , well I wasn't really an adult before the K, and I am stronger and more mature, maybe more thoughtful today but I am not yet an adult because I'm not wise, that is to say literally incapable of wisdom.

The wisdom of adults, it's the knowledge of let go to have the necessary perspective in order to not waste energy in wrong battles. I can not change the world, I can not change people who don't think like me (What a pity! they don't know what they're missing! ;))

I just must trace my route living with, and increase my tolerance degree by running, instead leaving only what is truly important (I mean important for me because once again the correctness that we claim is very personal and I am nobody to say that my vision is the right one, it's just mine ☺ = maximum tolerance, you see I can do it haha

The key for a better life, I think that it starts with getting straight to the point , my eternal story of virtuous spirals, indeed if we are guided by this dynamic of life it is mastering our proper life. Nothing is important except sum and substance, refocus on the basics, such as love, peace with us, the pleasure to share with good and beautiful people, that's life, in any case, the one that I stand for today.

I was too in anger, in battle, Mister K isn't there anymore (finally!), no longer fight, except building a better life.

Some verses of the wonderful Fernando Pessoa, extracted from “ Hours

“Get everything by divine sufficiency

Vigils, reviews, consent

Beautiful things of life

Talent, virtue, impunity

The propensity to escort the others back home

The passenger situation,

Compulsion to embark as soon as possible to find a place,

And one thinks always misses, a drink, a breeze, a sentence…

Be able to laugh, laugh, and laugh.

Laugh like a spilled drink,

Absolutely mad just to feel”

K hazards are so numerous that all that we mastered must be ultimate, a conscious choice, benevolent for yourself, if it is not the case you must change your route immediately.

Only focus on the good things that life gives, feed your projects, be surrounded by good people who wish us the best, and what we can give good in return, consider otherwise a child.

My best friend gave me the best proof of love in the entire world, she carefully thought and told me one day:

“I'm ready to bear your child, you know. I considered everything from every angle, it would not cause me any issue”

It keeps me glued, overwhelmed … She delivered me because I finally saw this gray area under a new angle, a fantasy becoming palpable because love is stronger than everything, and thanks to her love she opened my eyes on the way of another possibility.

It is the best proof of friendship and love, isn't it? #thankyoutobethere

Finally, me not religious however I realize that I finger reflections and in a certain way religious values, I don't have time, neither the desire, there is no place left for the filter of appearances, I only focus on what is good.

OK, OK I will be a liar saying that my conduct is purely spiritual or exemplary (I am a little bit show-off with my fights) but I foresee the good track to follow, I hope so. `

This f****** K today taught me that I don't have the right to waste my energy uselessly if the stars do not align in the best way, you have to rethink the good adjustment, you have after this K to be happy without reserve and safely to overhaul if it isn't the case. Yes, learn to be happy, oh yeah it has to be learned!

There won't be not “manageable” obstacle on my road

Life hazards such as bereavement, illness are uncontrollable; you have to understand at 100% what will make us happy, as the rest doesn't depend on us.

And it is precisely guided by this thought, make sense, never give up that I have decided 8 months ago to create my blog relaying all my tricks that help me to arm with more courage, to confront the K war, to deliver my tips kits to “Others” who I know need as much as me I needed (thanks to your numerous messages, I could not speak for you)

During the battle, the “Others “they support me a lot, but the real generosity is not a debit/credit question, real generosity is free.

You won't ask me any account, however everything restarts for me with the feeling that the meaning that I want to give must go to “ K fighters ” one way or another who lives the K war as I went through. Since I am in Remission (September 2014) after such an ordeal I am not exactly the same, especially stronger, and share my lust for life with those who are living the battle against “ Mister K ”.

Honestly, at the beginning it was a personal outlet: then immediately my words, my story found a vast echo, yours, rewarding but also raising a new form of responsibility: I couldn't drop the blog, my life mesh; I had to continue, as an evidence.

In my story, the life force nested as you have understood over the posts, in the little things necessary to my eyes, which relate yourself to life, routines such as vanity, beauty, moral and physical dignity, girly “futility”, “Candy Crush”, my “alternative” medicine wellness….

Since the creation 8 months ago , thanks to your many returns, you who follow me (I want to thank you for the trust and the complicity that you give to me), I realize how much well being needs, beauty, are fundamental for us all, big “Kommunity” united by the same power, the fight for life.

From this observation was born a new idea a few months ago: continuing my blog in another form, a kind of natural avatar, make this Mister K fighting Kit come true, through real physical Kits . I am convinced that all those who are passing through this ordeal will love finding the little flame of life and energy, concentrated in a small box// an “essential kit”=> the “Fighting kit “illustrating by my drawings, containing all the sweetness and the force needed, essential products, tailored but above a belonging feeling to a cosmopolitan but strong family that won't drop nothing, the invisible bond that unites us K fighters … My idea is therefore to integrate these kits in a wide choice, because it is very important to me, to let you choice, as the disease often falls without leaving you any choice!

Because like you, my world collapsed at the announcement of K, I was afraid like you, like you I didn't know how to start…. And like you, I thought (a lot) at my hair and my nailsAnd like you, I fought!

I wish that someone would have given me the keys… That's why I created my blog: Mister K fighting kit and today these Kits, Cases of dignity and gentleness in all, thought for patients by an ex-patient, I hope you will like them and that will help you especially.

And as I told you in my previous post, you will discover the famous essential kits next December if everything lines up.

I can not wait to show you the most accurate “look” of these kits which I thought so for many days and nights!

Here is already a small live review of the factory which manufactures (image quality is not really good I grant you, but I was so excited about the idea of ​​sharing it with you ☺☺


I cannot even read myself so I have for exhausted you with my long speeches! Hihi Thank you for those who followed the reading until the end ☺ Amen ;) Have a nice day and see you soon ;) Charlotte
