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Post 11: Booster “next door” care kit..-desktop Post 11: Booster “next door” care kit..-mobile

Post 11: Booster “next door” care kit..

Well-being / “adjacent” care / “unconventional” medicine


Here is a post which is of great importance to me in the fight against Mister K: “adjacent” Well-being treatments & “parallel” (unconventional) medicines , which in my opinion can boost your daily life as a warrior against this damn K !

I just point out that these are “sides” and not substitutes for conventional medicines to attack K by all means, I see it more as an extra help +++ to perhaps make life smoother during treatments .

It didn't take me long to motivate myself to try almost “everything”, although at first I was very skeptical, I still remember my drink with my wonderful friend PP . who already highly recommended acupuncture & other treatments such as magnetizers & co. My first reaction was quite virulent (as is often the case ;) and asked her for forgiveness) because as a good mule I immediately had a knee-jerk reaction very specific to my character ( a bit like Mom – dogs don't make cats ), of style :

“Drop this bullshit, I don’t believe in charlatan stuff, I’m Cartesian, it’s bull shit!”

However, as I "always" (well almost) end up questioning myself (once on my own), I ended up sneakily calling all the practitioners she had recommended to me ;)

I told myself that ultimately it might be worth trying, you never know, I'm going to put all the chances on my side!

And I must say that despite my skepticism, I can say today that it did me a lot of good, in any case it clearly didn't do me any harm (apart from my wallet - but most of it was reimbursed because I am lucky to have a great mutual fund)! and I had very few side effects (I think thanks to some of these treatments)... To think about

Please note that for all the practices that I experienced, I had ensured beforehand that the practitioners were all specialized in cancer , and I always asked my oncologist if I could do it, at the risk that it could alter the results. benefits of my classic treatments (chemotherapy)! I always had his agreement, even if I saw in his eyes that he was afraid that I would spend my money for nothing, but he never objected!

In short, from the first chemo, I rushed to go to Mister Piquouse Chinese Dr. J., who despite his overbooked address book freed me a place (I won't hide from you that I insisted quite a bit , or even harassed me to infiltrate his schedule)


(for me, 100% refunded)



Dr. J is therefore a DOCTOR Acupuncturist, he only receives K fighter & luckily practices in parallel with his office in the Clinic in which I did my chemo! which was rather a good sign to add considerable credit to his action ;),

Just after each chemo, I rushed straight into his office to try to overcome the side effects (as I more or less knew all my chemo dates, I had everything scheduled in advance so that I would no longer have to harass him )

For my K, his bites visibly acted on:

- nausea

- tingling in the extremities (feet & hands) linked to the Taxol cocktail

- fatigue

- strengthen immune defenses

- act on the globules to avoid the upward fall linked to cocktails

- strengthen the defenses of the liver & kidneys

- fight against mouth ulcers and mucositis

- according to him, reduce the risk of eyelashes and eyebrows falling out by 50%

My results:

I must say that apart from nausea after Carboplatin, fatigue and a little mucositis on the gums from time to time, I had no other side effects... (see Post 6 on my chemo cocktails to see how to treat in addition mucositis)

So today clearly I very strongly recommend not to deprive yourself of it, especially since if you have a good mutual fund it costs nothing to try I was reimbursed 100% because he is an ACUPUNCTION DOCTOR



In the middle of my treatments, because I wanted to eradicate the nausea, and maximize my boost, I met the wonderful Doc SMJ: AURICULOTHERPIST (installation of leads in the ears / also 100% reimbursed). In addition to being absolutely adorable, Doc SMJ fights with his method against side effects too, but also with many other problems (like addiction, stress & co), for me it was really for the side effects: nausea, but I plan to see her soon for my new fight: QUIT THE CLICK :)

In short, the idea of ​​auriculotherapy is to put leads in your ears, which press on points like acupuncture, generally the leads stay for 3 weeks, and fall out on their own, when they have done their job. effect (plus it gives a super cool look, like Alice Dellal, as if I had overly stylish piercings all over my ear, some fashion addict friends were jealous of me “Almost”)

My results:

With all these “combinations”, I had less and less nausea after this damn Carboplatin (see once again my post 6 on my chemo cocktails , because I had added a personal method as a bonus)!



The homeopath, with the 2 practitioners seen above, are for me the 3 essential & essential companions during the battle! (also reimbursed, except for the pills to be purchased extra which cost… an arm and a leg)

Doc M, still a homeopathic doctor (who had previously worked at Curie! maximum credibility), allowed me to reboost my immune defenses over the long term of the treatment, thanks to:

classic homeopathy

miraculous herbal pills (not reimbursed and expensive), such as SPIRULINE / ROYAL JELLY among others

I really believe that the combo of these many, many pills helped me a lot, even if it was quite restrictive to have 50 granules to take every morning at breakfast!


Essential after interventions!

Surgeons too often forget to prescribe Physiotherapy! and that’s wrong! because the body must have a period of getting back into shape after an operation, we lose muscles, strength and we hurt everywhere! A really good physiotherapist is essential!!

It is imperative to re-educate the body with good targeted actions!

The same goes for scars! It’s your physiotherapist who will teach you how to revive mutilated flesh! without him, I think I would never have been able to touch my scar, and I would still be a muscleless vegetable with incessant back pain (I had almost 40 sessions, twice a week)!!

We too often forget the merit of physiotherapists (choosing an approved physiotherapist is reimbursed so you shouldn't deprive yourself of it either ;))

EXTRAS +++ BECOME ESSENTIAL (not refunded)



Véro, of whom I spoke to you recently in my Post 8: beauty, will have been one of the Well-Being pillars of my fight, we met again in November 2013 during my interminable hospitalization “stay” (for my big operation “we remove everything ” - if you want to know the story go to Post 2: My story / My K ), in fact Véro arrived like an angel fallen from the sky, at the darkest period of my fight and her fairy hands will have was one of the driving forces that gave me the most energy, since then I can no longer do without his talent! thank you Vero :) <3

Fasciatherapy is an “unconventional” medicine which, through a principle of massage / support on the fascia (fibrous membranes which cover anatomical structures), makes it possible to manage stress, pain, well-being; It was a “magical” discovery, one of the gentlest but energizing and boosting treatments that I discovered :) I highly recommend it!

You can discover Véro’s great video to learn about this practice: Click below



(or Yoga: because I think that meditating is also essential)


It is a traditional Chinese gymnastics and a science of breathing, based on the knowledge and mastery of vital energy, and combining slow movements, breathing exercises and concentration.

It's a form of Chinese meditation, concentration on yourself and your body, I tried it sometimes and I loved it! it really allowed me to refocus on my body, and my quest :) very relaxing and boosting


(Or fire helmsman)


A must see, even for the most skeptical! if you have radiotherapy or shingles, as its 2nd name indicates, it allows you to stop the fire, the burns!

This is the only practice that Mom accepted when she was burned to the 75th degree during her radiotherapy and strangely 1 week later, she was no longer burned... Inexplicable...

Same for me during a Shingles… which disappeared after 4 days…

Sometimes magnetizers are just generous people, who have this gift, so they offer their services for free (because they do this in addition to their normal life - but this is not the case for everyone of course)



The only “medicine” that I haven’t tried, my schedule was already very busy but I heard the great things about it, especially for the K fighters ;)

Wikipedia definition:

Ayurveda is a form of traditional medicine originating in India also practiced in other parts of the world. Ayurveda, Ayurveda or even Ayurvedic medicine – in Devanāgarī : the “science of life”, from āyus (life) and veda (science, or knowledge) – draws its sources from the Veda , a set of sacred texts from India antique. In this case, it is a holistic medical approach dating from the Vedic civilization and still in use today. In India, since November 2014, it has been promoted by the Ministry of Yoga founded by Prime Minister Narendra Modi .

Ayurveda remains a form of traditional medicine still alive in South Asia, and recognized as such by the World Health Organization . In the West , it is considered an alternative medicine .


As you can see, you have lots of things to try to make your life easier during treatments and even after ;)

With all that: + lots of beauty tips, looks & co you have a super busy schedule! take out your diaries now ;)

For your information, I continue to see very regularly:

- Véro to relax (and because I love it)

- The homeopath

- The auriculotherapist

Without forgetting my wonderful COACH / PSY “indispensable” to my mental balance and my post-K reconstruction ;) (the psychological part is very personal, but it is obvious that I very strongly recommend being followed to overcome the fight against Mister K during & after, because even if we discover unsuspected strengths during the war, I believe that it is really important to have “neutral” psychological support, to find the keys!

All these practices are also valid for non-K fighters of course ;)

See you next week for the “fight of my eggs in the CECOS basket”

Thank you for taking the time to read me


PS: if you are also a K fighter , you are discovering my blog for the first time and you need other practical tips, I invite you to go to the section: TIP KIT

Or read previous posts:





- Post 6: KIT OF THE EFFECTS OF MY CHEMO COCKTAILS (Carboplatin / Taxol / Avastin)






- Post 9: The Look match during the K



RE-PS: to follow all my next tips & my posts by email,

subscribe from COMPUTER or Tablet : it’s in the left bar under “About”,

if it's from your SMART PHONE: go to the very top under the logo click on "+ INFO" then under "About" ( it's very simple, just enter your email in the "I SUBSCRIBE" section / then click on “CLICK HERE”, you will receive a confirmation email to accept and that’s good! // you can also follow everything on my Facebook page ;)

Health Care / Side Care / "parallel" medicines "non conventional"



Here is the post which has a big importance for me in the fight against Mister K: the care « next to " Wellness and "parallel" medicines (not conventional), which can in my opinion a booster for your everyday warrior's life against this stupid K!

I just specify that they are " next to" and not any substitutes to the conventional medicines to attack the K by any means, I see it rather as a help as an extra special +++ to maybe the softer life during treatments.

It didn't take me a long time before being motivated to test almost "everything", nevertheless at first I was very sceptical, I still remember my glass with my wonderful Friend PP. who already strongly recommended me acupuncture and other typical acupuncture / magnetizers care. My first reaction was verycatching (as often;) and I ask for his forgiveness) because as a good stubborn person I had at the time an epidermal reaction very peculiar to my character (a little as Mom - cats don't make dogs), like this:

"Drop this bullshit I do not believe in quack'stricks, I am Cartesian this is bull shit"

Nevertheless, as I never stop questioning myself always (when I am alone), I eventually called softly all the practitioners whom she had recommended;)

I said to myself that in fact it was worth to try, you never know, "I am going to put all the chances of my side"!

And I have to say that in spite of my skepticism, I can say today that it helped me a lot , in any case it didn't hurt me (except my wallet - but most were paid off because I am lucky enough to have a great medical care)! And I had only very few side effects (I think thanks to some of these care) …To meditate

Please note that for all the practices that I experienced, I had made sure before hand, that the practitioners were all specialized in cancer, and I always asked my oncologist if I could do it, at the risk that it can alter the benefits of my classic treatments(chemo)! I always had his agreement, even if I saw in his eyes that he was afraid that I was spending my money for nothing, but he has never uttered objection!

In brief, from the first chemoI hurt to Mister chinese shot Dr J. , who in spite of his very busy agenda freed me a place (I won't hide that I insisted, even harassed to infiltrate into his schedule)




The Dr J, is a DOCTOR Acupuncturist, he receives only K fighters and lucky me practices in parallel in his cabinet in the Private hospital in which I had my chemo! What was rather good sign to add a considerable credit to its action;),

Just after every chemo, I went straightaway to his cabinet to try to take off the side effects (as I knew more or less all my dates of chemo, I had scheduled everything in advance not to have to harass him any more.

For my K itsinjections were targeting: > Nausea > Itches in the extremities (feet and hands) bind to the cocktailTaxol > Tiredness > Strengthen the immune systems > Act on globules to avoid the upward fall bound to cocktails > Strengthen the defenses of the liver and the loins > Fight against ulcers and mucus > Decrease according to him of 50% the risk of fall of lashes and eyebrows My results: I have to say that except for the nausea after Carboplatin, tiredness and a small mucus on gums from time to time, I had no other side effect … So today clearly I very strongly recommend not to go without it, especially if you have a good healthcare it does not cost anything to try I was fully paid off because he is a DOCTOR ACUPUNCTURIST



In the middle of my treatments, because I wanted to eradicate the nausea, and to maximize my boostage, I met wonderful Doc SMJ: AURAL ACUPUNCTURE (lead pose in ears / paid off to 100%(fully) also). being absolutely adorable, Doc SMJ fights by her method against the side effects too, but also on other one problems (like addiction, stress and co), for me it was really for the side effects: nausea, but I plan to see hersoon for my new fight: QUIT SMOKING :-(

In brief, the idea of ​​the aural acupuncture, is to put lead in ears, that press on points as the acupuncture, generally lead stay 3 weeks, and fall alone, when they made their effect (the plus it gives a cool look, like Alice Dellal, I suddenly looked very stylish with the piercings on all the ear, certain fashion addict were "Almost" jealous of me ;) almost!)

My results:

With all these tips, I had less and less nausea after this shit cocktail Carboplatine ( see the post 6: "Happy Hour" Chemo's cocktails )!



The homeopath, with 2 practitioners seen above are for me the 3 doctors essential and inescapable during the battle! (Also paid off, except pills to be bought in extrawho cost an arm and a leg)

The Doc M, always doctor homeopath who had formerly worked at Curie! (Maximum credibility), allowed me to reboost on the long term of the treatment my immune systems, thanks to:

The classic homoeopathy of the supernatural pills with plants (not paid off and expensive), like SPIRULINE / ROYAL JELLY

I really believe that the combo of these very very numerous pills helped a lot me, even if it was rather binding to have every morning at breakfast 50 pills, with all my food & hot tea of ​​course !


Essential after interventions!

The surgeons forget too often to prescribe the Physio! And it is a disadvantage! Because the body has to have a relay of fitness after an operation, we lose muscles, strength and we hurt everywhere! A real good physio is essential!!

It is necessarily necessary to re-educate the body with good targeted gestures!

The same goes for scars! It is your physio who will teach you to make relive mutilated flesh! Without him, I think that I would never have been able to touch my scar, and I would be another vegetable without muscle in the ceaseless pains of back (I had 40 sessions, twice a week)!!

We forget too often the merit of the physio, (to choose a subsidized physio, it is paid off you should not go without it either;))




Véro, whom I spoke to you recently in my beauty post , was very present and helped to take care well care of myself, we found ourselves in November, 2013 during my endless "stay" of hospitalization (for my big operation "we remove everything" // see Post 2: My story ), indeed Véro arrived like an angel fallen from the sky, in the darkest period of my fight and her angel hands will have given me back most energy, since then I cannot live any more without her talent ! Thank you Vero? <3

The facial therapy is a "not conventional" medicine which by a principle of massage / of supports on fascias (fibrous membranes which recover the anatomical structures), allows to manage the stress, the pains, the good(to be; that was a " magic" discovery, one of the softest but most energizing care and boost that I discovered? I very very strongly recommend it!

To discover her video click here



(or Yoga: as I think that to meditate is also essential))


It is a traditional Chinese gymnastics and a science of breathing, based on the knowledge and the control of the vital energy, associating slow movements, respiratory exercises and concentration.

It is a form of Chinese meditation, concentration on ourself and on its body, I sometimes tried and I adored! That really allowed me to refocus on my body, and my quest? Very relaxing and boosting


(Or coxswain of fire)


To see absolutely, even for the most sceptical! If you have radiotherapy or a shingles , allows as it's second name indicates to steer the fire , the burns!

It is the only practice which Mom had accepted while she was burned in the 75th degree during her radiotherapy and strangely 1 week later, she was not any more burned…Unbelievable…

The same goes for me during one Zona who disappeared at the end of 4 days…

Sometimes the magnetizers are justgenerous people, who have this gift, they offer their services free of charge (because they make that in extra of their normal life)



Only "medicine" which I did not try, my program was already well loaded but I heard a lot of good things, especially for them K fighters ;)

Wikipedia definition:

Ayurveda is a form of traditional medicine native to India also practiced in other continents. The ayurveda, ayurveda or still ayurvedic medicine - in devanagari: the "science of the life", of ayus (life) and veda (science, or knowledge) - Draw his(her) sources(springs) from Véda, set(group) sacred texts of ancient India. In this particular case, it is about a holistic medical approach dating the Vedic and always current civilization today. In India, since November, 2014, it is promoted by the ministry of the Yoga established by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Ayurveda remains a shape of still long-lived traditional medicine in South Asia, and recognized as such by the World Health Organization. In the West, it is considered as an alternative medicine.


As you notice it, you have a full list of things that you should test to facilitate your life during treatments and even later;)

With all this, a lot of beauty tricks, looks and co you have a great loaded program! Take out your calendars and start planning ;)

For information I continue to see very regularly:

- Véro to relax me (and because I adore her)

- The homeopath The aural acupuncture Without forgetting

- my wonderful COACH / SHRINK "essential" to my mental balance and to my reconstruction post K;) (the part shrink is very personal, but it is obvious that I very strongly recommend to be followed to surmount the fight against Mister K during and after, because even if we confide unsuspected strengths during the war, I believe that it is really important to have a psychological "neutral" support, to find keys!

Next post "the egg fight"

Thank you for taking the time to read


Read all my previous posts:

- Post 3: CHEMO’S EVE








- Post 8: BEAUTY KIT





RE-PS: to read all my posts & tips SUBSCRIBE online or follow me on my facebook page ;)
