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Post 2: ONCE UPON: The story of My K... :)-desktop Post 2: ONCE UPON: The story of My K... :)-mobile

Post 2: ONCE UPON: The story of My K... :)

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When Mister K sneakily entered, without warning (well, almost)… MY K CANCER STORY BAG

The intestinal obstruction operated 4 days earlier (operation no. 1/6) , was only an amuse bouche, on this day of the 4th I was told, THE problem! ( read my first post here )

On this day of April 4, 2013 , the countdown and the war began….

I was transferred on April 8 to another hospital, in the super cancer/gynecology surgery department, I don't really understand why, I've been talking to me for 1 week about cancer/nodules in the peritoneum*... Strange...

*The peritoneum is a continuous serous membrane that lines the abdomen , pelvis and viscera , demarcating the virtual space of the peritoneal cavity. (basically it is the envelope which surrounds the abdomen , the pelvis and the intestines).

Very quickly, they explained to me that the origin is the ovaries, but I am so stoned by my doses of painkillers ingested every 6 hours that I don't really pay attention to it...

We go straight to a battery of exams in the week that follows: PET Scan, Scanner, MRI, Echos... I'm dragged painfully through all the departments, I can barely walk... It's only been 2 weeks since we opened and closed my stomach... It's not very practical, you grant me, to walk through corridors the size of CDG every day when you're bent over backwards...

On April 19 , the verdict falls, so I see Prof L, who begins to clarify...

Prof L: “Miss anapath and the imaging confirm, you are indeed suffering from a cancer of ovarian origin which has metastasized to the peritoneum, low grade with slow progression: grade 1 – stage 3c. You are in good hands, it will be long, but I will save you”

(cool, the guy is confident, that's good, I have no choice but to trust him, and “the low grade” reassures me... "slow evolution": luckily it's been 2 years since I have pain)

“We have to move quickly, you start the chemo treatments in 1 week: Carboplatin / Taxol / Avastin , in total you will have 6 treatments” Me: “Ah only 6! good news…” (I remembered that mom had had 12, so I said to myself that it’s okay, it’s nothing..) Prof L, cut me off “No, 1 treatment is 3 sessions, so you will have 24 sessions”

(I'm starting to really sink into my uncomfortable chair. I'm already desperate….)

we will do an assessment after 3 treatments, and a priori in September, it's good, complete surgery, we remove everything: uterus / ovaries / part of the peritoneum / part of the intestine, after which we…” Me: my turn to cut it: “What are we removing everything…?!? You don't understand, I'm 27 years old, I don't have children, it's the dream of my life.... How do we do it???”

(the hardest thing to accept is at this precise moment, mourning my fertility in all this flood of improbable news)

Him: “you will adopt” Me: “that’s out of the question, I want some eggs to be frozen” Him: “it’s impossible, we’ve already wasted too much time and it would be useless” Me: " everything is possible"

(I'm on the verge of hysteria, I scream, I cry, - I'm usually so well behaved - and above all I don't have great contact with him... Normal for ovarian cancer, he doesn't have not used to communicating with young women. It only happens to menopausal women between the ages of 70 and 90, luckily number 2... But that was before, and these are only statistics. I would also be curious to see the news....

So he and I are starting off on fragile foundations, we are having a lot of trouble getting to grips with each other. I'm furious, he, I think he's a little clueless and not very gifted in female psychology obviously, it's not his job at the same time).

I can't say anything anymore, I'm prostrate in my chair...

He therefore concludes: “So I was saying, after this September surgery we will resume chemo, the 3 remaining cures... Don't worry, the road is long, but you're young, it's going to be fine! ”

We greet each other (very coldly for my part), I go out...

And I collapse into the arms of P., my parents and J. his secretary...

I will then pass the conversation on to my loved ones. It's out of the question, it's not by having seen a single doctor, no matter how recognized, that my dream will be shattered! I immediately want the contact of all the gynecological surgeons in Paris who freeze eggs!!!! It's my obsession! At least the advantage is that it allows me to maintain the little morale I have left. So I'm going to investigate cool eggs, my K's 2nd fight (the 1st being to fight for my life of course :))!


On April 26 , I started my first chemo (this will be the 3rd post: Orga chemo kit and 4th post ;)) in the same Clinic as Mom, I found her oncologist there who has been following me ever since.

That day, he will explain the protocol to me, which will no longer be 24 sessions but 36, cool, I was just starting to get used to the great news! (At the rate of 1 session every week for 3 weeks, then 2 weeks of break, and repeat 1 every week.... blabla).

But before starting the treatments, that day my 3rd battle / the obsession with losing my hair began… (read post 7: Hair Obsession )

So my first chemo will begin , accompanied by A. my best friend, armed with my frozen helmet ( # Mister Freeze) and the rest of the kit (see post 4 ), for the record I ended up keeping my hair btw ;)!! !

Recap battles / wars, in progress:

1) my life (for now it’s over)

2) my eggs (negotiating)

3) my hair (there, it's starting but it will hold up!!)

It seems futile to include the hair fight in this recap. But I guarantee you, that in my journey, this “battle” will have held such a place, that it will also have allowed me to keep smiling. And I believe that it is by setting ourselves some sort of challenge that we arm ourselves with the most courage, strangely enough. Projecting yourself into a fight such as hair, it means that you hold on to life somewhere, since you still want to take care of your image ;)


Thanks to P.'s sister, I met THE Prof who will make me win my first battle, that of eggs: Prof M.! (this part will also be developed in a future post: “kit of my eggs in the CECOS basket”, to be continued....)

So I meet him after 2 chemos already gone…

He tells me : “STOP, we stop the chemo immediately! I will operate on you in 1 week! We will do everything to keep your eggs fresh for you! Our chances are 50/50”

On May 28, 2013, I would be entitled to a “Right oophorectomy by laparoscopy for oocyte cryopreservation (preserved in Tenon)”.

Translation: he removed my right ovary by laparoscopy, he then did in vitro stimulation to recover oocytes/eggs, which he then sent to freeze at Tenon Hospital (at "CECOS").

You will have understood, I would have to use a surrogate mother ( GPA *), abroad since this is not authorized in France.

*GPA: All comments / debates on this subject FOR and AGAINST, please abstain, I am not doing a blog about debates of opinions, I remind you that this part is my personal story / my freedom.

Battle 1, done, I can tell you that it's a boost!!!

Victory ! I love Prof M.!

I want him to take care of my big operation in September, but the story will be a little disrupted in the end...

After this brief miraculous intervention (operation n°2/6), I will therefore resume my chemo cycle until mid-August 2013, from then on I must reserve myself for THE big Day of surgery….


So I'm starting by having a huge party on September 15th with all my friends/P./family/relatives, in anticipation of my future convalescence. And on September 25 the D-day arrived, Prof M operated on me by laparoscopy (operation 3/6) . Which will ultimately just be an abdomino-pelvic assessment after neoadjuvant chemo. Prof M will prefer to close, because with a humility that forces respect, he will recognize that he does not have the appropriate platform for such an intervention...

Despite his talent & his great team, he operates in a private clinic and his set, although excellent, cannot ensure the extent of the mess that is then in my stomach...

At that moment I realized that I was probably minimizing the seriousness of my K…

I read in the eyes of my loved ones, although so combative until now, the fear that is setting in, they too realize that this damn K is not nothing...

I'm afraid, I'm finally materializing this buried fear that didn't want to come out. This September 26, 2013 , I'm afraid of dying... And worse, I feel that around me too, my shock supporters are afraid of me see it go... I see it in their eyes, they keep their faces in front of me because they want to keep their own strength intact, but I feel deep inside them a flickering light. For the first time they realize that the K is really an insidious, sneaky bastard that no one can control...

Wonder mom shows nothing, and will move mountains to achieve a conclusive result!

In the family, our credo is “when we want we can” – “nothing is impossible”, so we go back in search of a larger, more equipped platform!

(I'm weak, I'm losing weight, I can't stand up, I weigh 52kg now...)

I will therefore urgently return on October 11, 2013 to my first “loves”, in the service of Prof L. whom I had snubbed a few months earlier for the battle of the eggs…

Small complication of the course: peritonitis of the bladder, operated on October 16, 2013 by laparotomy (operation 4/6) , but GOOD NEWS, it will allow the great service to see that we can operate on my K, and we will do it without more to wait for ! In 2 weeks !!! (I can not stand it anymore :( )

MAJOR OPERATION act 2 (1 month of hospitalization):

I am in my huge room, and for 2 weeks the gynecological service has been at my side. They are going to war too, to war, because they have to convince me to have reoperation for the 5th time, and incidentally twice in barely 15 days... I have to trust them... I will forever remember Marie, Anne Sophie & Nathalie who throughout this interminable stay in bed in their department, will fight tirelessly every day to persuade me that I have no choice. I'm here now, I have to go, I have to definitively mourn my fertility...

At the time, I still hoped to preserve my uterus, for in vitro fertilization... I did not want to see the reality, which had nevertheless been announced to me months earlier: complete operation... I know today that I I had no choice, that they did this to save my life, that I am no longer able to negotiate (like what in life even with our positive credo of "when we want we can", well there clearly it It's not for lack of having everything kept my uterus, but it was not possible, they had to take it away from me, my life in exchange for keeping my uterus)....

Now we have to act, quickly, but I no longer have the strength, I no longer have the desire, I want it to stop, in reality I'm paralyzed... But I want to live, that I know! So deep down I know that I have no choice, despite my physical and mental weakness, I have to go and I will go (round 2).

With their tenacity, they will succeed in persuading me!

I will be re-operated for the 5th time, on Monday October 31 . For this famous complete surgery... What I wanted to hide until now is there, they will remove what remains of my left ovary, my uterus and the rest... And above all I will have to accept this bag (this stoma like they say) which I had already been told about but which I had completely put aside because I didn't want to accept it...

This October 31, 2013, Prof. L. & his entire team will operate on my Big K for 9 hours (I don't even dare think of those I love who were waiting for it to end, they must have suffocated so much).

The complete cleaning is therefore finished, they have "removed the disease", I will be in intensive care for 4 days, connected to 1000 noisy machines, I'm not really afraid anymore now that it's over, I'm bored in my bed above all (I am only allowed 2 hours of visits per day), I can barely move and my gastric tube (in my nose) hurts like hell! My character takes over, I am revolted against the poor nurse who despite my gastric tube / my urinary catheter / my bag / my 5 drains / my 33cm scar forces me the next day to go “to the chair”. Despite my insults, he left me in the chair for 3 hours!! I hated the poor guy ;)

I will be transferred back to my beloved gynecology department where I am so pampered by all my good fees (interns / nurses / caregivers) and I will be released on November 14, 2013.

This amazing team, I can say today, saved my life... There are no words to express the eternal gratitude that I owe them... (I especially hope that I will remain “discovered "!!


Frankly, I hadn't realized the immense fatigue that was going to fall on me...

Leaving HEGP on November 14, 2013, I weighed 48kg... My muscles melted, and for the 3rd time my stomach was closed after opening, very nice :)

It's thanks to my team of home nurses / physiotherapists / & co, that after 4 months locked up at home, I am now back in the starting blocks! (a post will be dedicated specifically to: home care & after operation / restart - reboosting the machine).


Well that's not all, but the chemo had to start again!

After the warrior's rest, return to Mister Freeze (my frozen helmet), AGAIN, I missed it!

During December I start again, the sessions, hard hard but we have to go, it's the final stretch > “more than” 9 months of treatments pfiou… Interspersed by my last operation: removing the Stomi on February 27, 2014 - last operation but least 6/6: reinstatement of his little name) - I'm still hesitant to make a post on this delicate subject :) so see...


- 01/04/2013: Occlusion emergencies / discovery of cancer (K) - operation n°1

- 04/04/2013: ANAPATH results: confirmation: grade 1 – Stage 3c: Cancer K

- 04/08/2013: Transfer to Gyneco hospital service: Confirmation: Ovarian cancer

- 04/26/2013: CLINIC / oncologist appointment: CHEMIO START : cocktails: “Carboplatin / taxol / Avastin”

- 05/28/2013: fresh eggs - Operation n°2

- 09/25/2013: CLINIC Operation by Laparoscopy: assessment - Operation n°3

- 10/16/2013: Complication: peritonitis - Operation n°4 (good one, I could have done without it)

- 10/31/2013: Hospital: THE BIG BIG OPERATION / CLEANING

Complete surgery (9 hours of intervention): total cleaning “they removed the disease”

- 12/17/2013: CLINIC: Resumption of chemo treatments: cocktails: "Carboplatin / taxol / Avastin" until February

- 02/24/2014: Hospital: Operation: removes Stomi pouch, FINALLY!!!

- 03/17/2014: CLINIC: Resumption of chemo treatments: cocktails: "Carboplatin / taxol / Avastin" from 17.3.14 to 9.14 // End of "carboplatin / taxol" on 30.4.14 // "Avastin" alone until end of September 2014

Said to be in Remission, since the end of September 2014! :)

As you can imagine, I was not able to work for a year and a half, thank you Mister SECU / MUTUELLE in any case for covering all of my costs. And a huge thank you to Ms & Co, for waiting for me, because since September I've finally been working as a stylist again, and that's really great for feeling "normal" on the one hand, and on the other hand getting back on track of my life ...

The truth is that doing this work of memory moves me of course, but gives me strength today.

I think we have to try to see this ordeal from a wider angle... It's better in my opinion to face it in a “positive” way, because in any case it's such shit, which I liked better see the good things I could get out of it. (Well, I won't hide from you that during the month spent in the hospital between October/November, it wasn't really the crazy atmosphere, but that's in the past, I'm looking ahead >>>)

I saw how wonderfully well surrounded I was, and that I was ultimately very lucky that this was the case. I consolidated my romantic ties more than anyone else... I learned to see more clearly, bigger, without getting discouraged. Above all, I learned to put things into perspective ;)

Yes, it's an opportunity to realize that life is ultimately beautiful, despite everything. Living an experience like this is the most beautiful life lesson you can ever know! It's a lesson in humility first of all, but above all it allows you to enjoy even more of the wonderful things that life offers, even the simplest things. And I want to make sense of it all...

I would never dare to say that it is because I loved life, that today I am “recovered” because unfortunately it is not so easy, but I know in any case that I fought like crazy. a dog to preserve it, and I take immense pride in it!

So here is the summarized story of my K... I have spared you the many details and it is already long, because all of my treatments / operations (x6) represent 1 and a half years of my life. And the idea of ​​this blog is not to complain, nor to make you cry, it is above all to give you strength, & to send beautiful, effective/positive waves, so STOP!!! Let's move on to the promised things, the tips ;) > next post (n°3) : CHEMIO KIT - very quickly - with lots of new illustrations / and finally good vibes :)!!

And don't forget to follow my Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/misterkfightingkit ;)

See you very very soon!


PS: to follow all my tips & posts by email, subscribe at the very bottomof the blog // or on my Facebook page .



Mister K - My Story :)


W hen the K entered slyly, without giving notice

This day of the 4 th of April 2013 , the clock and the war began…

They transferred me the 8th of April in another hospital, in the amazing department of cancer/gynecology, I didn't understand why suddenly since a week everyone where talking to me about cancer / nodules in the peritoneum…. Strange

* The peritoneum is the serous membrane that forms the lining of the abdominal cavity , pelvis and the viscus, by defining the abdominal cavity (in the big picture, it covers most of the intra-abdominal organs).

Very quickly they tell me that the origin is my ovaries , but I am so stoned with all the medicine that I keep taking every 6 hours so I don't really pay attention to it….

One week after my surgery, non stop we keep on going through a quantity of exams: Tep Scan, Scanner, MRI, ultrasound… They drag me with difficulty in all the different departments, I cannot really walk. It's all been two weeks that they opened and closed up my stomach… It is not very practical you'll agree, to walk every day in corridors that have the size of an airport when you are bend in half…

The 19th of April, the verdict is given, I see the Doc L, who starts to clarify

Prof L:

" Miss the Anatomical subject and the medical imaging confirm, you are suffering from an ovary cancer which has metastasized in the peritoneum, in low level with a slow evolution: level 1 – Stage 3. You are in good hands, it will be long, but I will save you

(Cool the guy is confident, hallelujah, I do not really have any other solution than to trust him and “the low level” reassures me…)

We have to be quick, you will start in 1 week the cure of Chemotherapy:

Carboplatin / Taxol / Avastin, in total you will have 6 cures


Ha only 6! Good news… ”(I remembered that mum had had 12, so I feel like it’s fine)

Prof L, interrupt me:

No 1 cure is 3 sessions, you will have 24 sessions ” (I start to sink in my very uncomfortable chair. I am already desperate…)

“We will do a check up at the 3 rd cure, and probably in September, it will be good, complete surgery, we take it all away: uterus/ ovaries/ a part of the peritoneum/ a part of the intestine, after we …

Me: my turn to interrupt him

What we take it all away…?! You haven't understood I am 27, I do not have any kids, it's the dream of my life

(The most difficult to accept is at this very special moment, mourn over my fertility in all this unlikely news)


You will adopt


It’s out of the question, I want to have my eggs frozen


It's impossible, we have already lost too much time and it wouldn't lead to anything


Everything is possible !!!” (I am at the border of hysteria I scream, I cry, and mostly I do not have a great feeling with him. Normal on the subject of ovary cancers he isn't used to speak about this with young women, it usually only happens to post-menopausal women who are between 70 and 90 years old… But this was before, and it is only statistics. I would be very curious to see the new ones.)

So him and I we start on a very fragile basis, we have a lot of difficulties to approach each other. I am crazy, him I think he is a bit lost and not very good in feminine psychology, it is not his job at the same time.

I cannot say anything anymore, I am prostrated in my chair

He concludes:

...I was saying that after this surgery in September we will start again the Chemotherapy, for the last 3 cures

We shake hands (very coldly on my side), I leave....

And I let myself go in the arms of P., my parents and J. his secretary…

I will then share in loop this conversation with my environment. It is out of the question, It Is not one doctor that will take me away from my dream! I straight away want all the contacts of all the gynecologists in Paris that freezes eggs! It is my obsession! At least the good thing is that helps me to keep up the good mood, I start investigating on my fresh eggs, the second battle of my K (the first one being to fight for my life of course)!


The 26th of April 2013, I start my first chemotherapy (it's the 3rd post of my blog: 3rd post: Chemo Kit and 4th post ;)) in the same clinic as mum, I will meet there her oncologist who will then start following me.

This day he will explain the protocol, which will not be of 24 sessions but 36

But before starting the treatments, this day my 3rd battle / obsession of loosing my hair will start.... (read post 7: Hair Obsession )

But before starting the treatments, that day my 3rd battle / the obsession with losing my hair began… (read post 7: Hair Obsession )

Will then start my first chemotherapy, with my frozen helmet (called Mister Freeze ) and the rest of my kit (see next posts), for info I managed to keep my hair ;)!!!

Recap Battle/War in progress:

1) My life (for the moment that's where I am)

2) my eggs (in negotiation)

3) my hair (it starts here but they will remain with me)

It seems useless to speak about my hair battle in this post, but I swear that it actually took such a big place in my fight against Cancer. This battle allowed me to keep smiling and I think that challenging yourself gives you a lot of strength and motivation. By trying to keep your femininity, you prove that your still want to live. ☺


Thanks to P.'s sister, I met THE Professor, who helped me to overcome my first battle, the eggs one! (This part will also be developed in a future post (- "kit of my eggs in the CECOS basket")

So I met him for the first time after the second chemo...

He said:

STOP, we have to stop the chemo right now! I will operate you in one week! We will do everything for you to keep your eggs fresh! Our chances are 50/50 "

On 28 May 2013 , I would be entitled to a “oophorectomy on the right side through laparoscopy for cryopreservation of oocytes (conserved in Tenon's Hospital in Paris).”

I translate: He removed the right ovary by laparoscopy, he then retrieved oocytes/eggs through the use of vitro stimulation, in which he then sent to the freezer to Tenon (CECOS).

You understood, I would require a surrogate mother (GPA in French) abroad since it is not allowed in France. (Disclaimer: All comments / discussions on the subject are as FOR and AGAINST, thank you for refraining ☺ I am not blogging a debate, I recall that this part is my personal story / my freedom ☺).

Battle 1 done, I can tell you that it is empowering!!!

“Victory”! I like Prof. Mr!

I want him to take care of my big operation in September, but the story will be a little different...

After this brief miraculous intervention (the 2nd one), I would resume my chemo cycle until mid August 2013, from then I will have to book for THE big Day: THE surgery ...


I started with a huge party on 15th September with all my friends / P / family / loved ones in anticipation of my future recovery. On September 25th the day arrived, Prof M operates me by Laparoscopy. Which will ultimately assess my pelvis abdominal after the neo adjuvant chemotherapy. However Prof M preferred to close, due to a recognition that commanded respect, realizing that he does not have substantial skills suitable for such an intervention …

At that moment I realized that I probably underestimated the severity of my K ...

I could read in the eyes of my relatives, so far so positive about my well being, the fear began to set in. We all realized that the damn cancer was harder than we thought.

I'm afraid, for the first time I discovered how much fear I had inside. This 26th of September 2013, I'm afraid to die... And even worst, I can feel around me that my relatives have the same fear. For the first time, they realized how insidious that K was...

Wonder Mom remains strong, she would move mountains for me!

In the family, our motto is “ when we want we can” - “nothing is impossible ”. Therefore we continued to search for a new surgeon, who had the abilities to operate me.

(I am weak, I lost weight, I can't even stand on my feet!! I weigh 52kg now ...)

I went back on October 11, 2013 to my first “love”: Prof. L., who I snobbed a few months earlier for the battle eggs...

BIG OPERATION Act 2 (1 month hospitalization)

I'm in my huge room, and since 2 weeks gynecologist are at my side. They also go to war, to war because they have to convince me to be re-operated ... I have to trust them ... I'll remember forever Marie, Anne Sophie & Nathalie, who throughout this interminable journey in bed, fought tirelessly every day to persuade me that I had no choice. I'm here now, I must move on, I must mourn my fertility...

At the time I was hoping to still keep my uterus for in vitro fertilization ... I didn't want to see the reality, which had me been announced months ago of: full operation ...

Now we must act quickly, but I have no strength, I can't stand it anymore, I want it to stop, in fact I am paralyzed...

Hopefully they manage to convince me in the end!

I'll be re-operated for the 4th time, on Monday, October 31st . For this famous full surgery. Yes, unfortunately they will remove my left ovary, my uterus and the rest... And above all I have to accept this kind of pocket (Stomi as they say), which I had completely put aside because I did not want to accept it ...

October 31, Prof. L. & his team operated me during 9 hours (I do not even dare to think of those I love, that were waiting for it to end, they must have suffocated).

The cleaning is finished; I had to be in intensive care for 4d, connected to 1000 noisy machines. I'm not anymore afraid now that it's done, I miss my bed (I have only 2 hours of visit per day). I could hardly move and my stomach tube (in the nose) was super painful! My character took over, I rebelled against nurses who, despite my poor stomach tube / my catheter / my pocket / my 5 drains / my 33cm scar forced me the next day, to go to the "Chair." In spite of my injuries they left me there for 3h!! I hated them at that time ;)

I've been transferred me where I was I pampered by all darlings nurses/internes / and I got out on November 14, 2013.

This dream team, I can say today, saved my life ... There's no words to express the eternal gratitude I owe them ... (I just hope I'll stay "surrender "☺!!)


Frankly, I had not thought about the immense fatigue that would fall on me...

Leaving HEGP this Nov. 14, 2013, I weighted 48kg ... My muscles have melted, and for the 3rd time I had my stomach opened and reclosed ☹

It is thanks to my team of home nurses / physio / & co, and the four months locked up at home, that I am today again in the starting blocks! (A post will be dedicated specifically to: home care after operation & -).


Nevertheless, I had to continue with my chemo!

Let's go AGAIN with the Ice-Helmet / Mister Freeze !

During December I had to start over again, not very easy…But the end of this nightmare was near: only 9 months of treatment left ...



Emergency / discovery of cancer (K)


Results anapath: Confirmation: grade 1 - Stage 3 Cancer K: diagnosed ovarian Cancer


Transfer service Gyneco hospital: Confirm: Ovarian cancer




Operation: eggs kept fresh


CLINIC Operation by Laparoscopy: review



Complete surgery (9 hour intervention): Total Cleaning



Recovery chemo treatments: Carboplatin / taxol / avastin from 17.12.13 to 3.2.14



Operation: Stoma pocket removed, FINALLY!!!



Re-start of chemo treatments: Carboplatin / taxol / avastin on 17.3.14 at 9.14

End of carboplatin / taxol on 04/30/14

Avastin alone until September 2014-04

The truth is that doing this work touches me a lot of course, but it gives me the strength today.

I think we should try to see this big issue from a different point of view... It is better to face it in a "positive" way, because anyway it's sucks.

I saw how much I was surrounded; I realized how lucky I was to have a great family and great friends. I even strengthened more my love... I've learned how to see the right, without discouraging me. I mostly learned to relativize ;)

Yes, this is the opportunity to realize that life is finally nice, though. Living such an experience is the best lesson in life that one can get! This is first a humbling experience, but mostly it allows you to enjoy even more the wonderful things that life offers you.

I would never say that is because I loved life that today I am alive and healthy. It is, unfortunately much more complicated, but I know in any case that I fought to preserve it, and I am immensely proud!

So that's the condensed history of my K ... I spared you the many details because all of my treatments / operations (x6) is 1 and a half of my life. And the idea of ​​​​this blog is not to complain or to make you cry, it's all about giving you strength, and sending you positive vibes, so STOP!!! Time for the tricks ;)> next post: CHEMO KIT

See you very very soon!


PS: to follow all my posts & tips, SUBSCRIBE on theblog // or on my facebook page .

