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ITW n°84: Thomas (My Boobs Buddy) - ex-fighter.-desktop ITW n°84: Thomas (My Boobs Buddy) - ex-fighter.-mobile

ITW n°84: Thomas (My Boobs Buddy) - ex-fighter.


Today, I present to you Thomas, 29 years old, whom I know well, founder of the super committed brand My Boobs Buddy and my Boobsette-Box , he tells us about his fight against Hodgkin's disease (stage IV) which he fought at the age of 18, when he was living in Tanzania at the time and who is now in Paris and HEALED!!

From this ordeal was born love, but also his commitment, and in a certain way his snub to this "P.... illness" as Thomas says, he had promised himself during his fight that he would do something to fight against the K if he got out of it, and it was doubly successful! With great generosity and a form of colorful activism, Thomas makes us see life in “prose” and in colors.

With his entrepreneurial fervor he decided to tackle the fight against breast K, yes ladies, he thought of you, because an observation quickly became obvious to him: " Indeed, it is the deadliest cancer in women but also the one that is best treated. We call that a paradox, right? Self-examination is the solution, we need to make it known! ” and to make us aware of it he created T-Shirts / Iconic sweatshirts / tank tops, displaying humorous messages, because humor is often the best weapon to avoid looking away. And even that 50% of the profits are donated to associations. A commitment that can be summed up by: efficiency, humor, action, awareness, support and generosity too!

Bravo Thomas for this successful bet!

More than ever “Together Stronger”!

Great discovery.

Let's get started:

Who are you ?

First name: Thomas

Age: 29 years old

Profession: Entrepreneur

You decided to create My Boobs Buddy and the Boobsette Box, how did this great idea come about?

After 5 years of going for checkups, I am cured! I can finally honor the promise I made to myself: “If I get through this, I will do something to fight this fucking… disease”. The fight against breast cancer appeared obvious. In fact, it is the deadliest cancer in women but also the one that is best treated. We call that a paradox, right? Self-examination is the solution, we must make it known! This is how we decided with Elsa, my wife, to launch a textile brand which would encourage, through these humorous messages, to learn the gestures of self-examination.

Are you alone in your business?

Yes and no, Elsa ( his wife ) works nearby but we make all the decisions together.

What K did you get?

I was diagnosed with stage IV Hodgkin's disease at the age of 18.

What were your feelings when the announcement was made, how old were you?

I was 18 years old and strangely, I wasn't afraid, the doctors immediately told me that it would be a violent fight but that I would be the only one standing in the ring. I was scared later when the treatment didn't work that well...

What are the nugget phrases that someone said to you during K that could have been avoided?

This is more the diagnosis I remember. The general practitioners who assured me, from the age of 17 to 18, that I had nothing, that my pain was psychosomatic, that I had to stop complaining. All this to realize that my cancer had reached Stage IV…

What did you do to take your mind off things during K ?

I took my International Baccalaureate by correspondence, it took me quite a while (but I passed it). I also spent a lot of time watching TV series, at the time it was Prison Break madness.

How was your life in the medical profession? Did you find the answers you were looking for, did you manage to understand everything?

It went very well, I was lucky to deal with doctors who hid nothing from me. It was tough but at least my family and I knew where we were going.

What was your first feeling when you first met the treatments (chemotherapy/hospital)?

Like many people, I was very afraid of losing my hair and….I lost it. For a man it's also very confusing, we have more beard, more eyebrows, virility seems to take a hit. And then there is the room in which we do chemo, the patients around me, me who was only 18 years old and who had difficulty admitting that I was sick.

Did you get information on the internet?

IF YES: What would be the useful (internet) links that helped you to give you strength, and those to recommend to relatives of K fighters?

No, I no longer dared to go there at all except to download series. I didn't want to come across information that would weigh me down. I trust the medical profession.

Were you able to talk freely about it to your loved ones? Did you feel supported/supported/understood?

Yes, I had no trouble talking to my family about it, they actually mobilized en masse. It wasn't easy because we were living in Africa at the time, in Tanzania where my parents worked and my brother and I studied. I actually lived there from 12 to 18 years old. I can never thank my mother enough who gave herself body and soul with me against the crab, to help me fight and beat it. She will read this interview, I say to her again, “Thank you”.

What advice would you give to other loved ones to support a K fighter?

Kindness and humor, lots of humor. We must not forget what happens after cancer, which is very important. Our lives are often punctuated by chemo, radiotherapy, periods in a bubble (not cool) and obviously we find ourselves a little lost afterwards. I was very lucky in meeting Elsa immediately afterwards, she helped me a lot to rebuild myself.

What has this ordeal changed in your life (your vision of the world, of those around you, any disappointments? Any great discoveries despite everything?)

It changed everything, absolutely everything. It changed the taste of bread, it changed the feeling of the wind on my face, it changed my vision of time but, above all, it made me want to make more concessions about who I wanted to be.

After such an experience / life test we understand that you wanted to give meaning and create your project, can you tell us more about My Boobs Buddy and the Boobsette Box :

My Boobs Buddy is a brand committed to the fight against breast cancer. We want to make all women aware of self-examination procedures. We do this through funny messages like “Hey, truck! », “Ni oui Ni chon”, “Sein Laurent”, “Nichon Nifroid” etc… Thus, by wearing it, the Boobsettes (women who wear the brand) become vectors of our awareness message. It's striking when you wear a sweatshirt on which is written "Ni oui Ni chon", their friends ask them and they explain. It works well, right?

Where can we find your great brand?

We sell the brand on our website and in a few stores in Paris.

What are your ideas for the future?

We are very focused on the launch of the Boobsette Box. We are very happy to be able to offer the brand's t-shirts at a slightly lower price thanks to the subscription system.

Links to follow you (site / social networks):

The website: myboobsbuddy.com

The Boobsette-Box

On Facebook “My Boobs Buddy”

On Facebook the “Boobsette Box”

On Instagram

Free field (what would you like to add that is not in my questions):

Thank you very much Charlotte for giving us the floor.


Thank you Thomas, for your precious testimony full of hope, and your great commitment.

You can leave comments for Thomas below.

If like him, you want to tell your story, your project and share your tips, go here , send me your questionnaire and 1 photo of yourself so that I can draw you ;) to: interview@mister-k-fighting-kit.com

*Many of you send me your testimonies, thank you for your precious trust, for this same reason, the broadcasts of your interviews will sometimes be broadcast in several months, but know that I keep and transmit absolutely ALL the testimonies that are sent to me , Thank you for understanding.

Please note that I do not retouch any Interview, they are completely free, it is your freedom, your story, I just add my personal touch with the illustration, they are delivered as they were sent to me ;)

