ITW n°21: Charlotte Support Team: my friend Gege.
To you, my most fervent support committee, without whom the battle would not have been the same
I'm very lucky to be so well surrounded <3
Let's get started:
Who are you ?
First name: Geraldine (or “Gege” for close friends)
How long have you known Charlotte?
What was your feeling/point of view as a loved one when the announcement was made?
devastated, I tried not to show it too much
Has this changed your view of your friend?
Do you think the illness has changed her?
What are the nugget phrases that we could have said to him or/and to you during the K and which could have been avoided? or that you yourself should have avoided ;)..?
I don't have an example, I hope I didn't hurt Charlotte during our discussions, if I could have hurt her she didn't tell me anything about it
Questions, fears, sentences that you would have liked to ask but that you did not dare to mention..?
the apprehension of death, I thought about it but did not dare to broach the question
What did you do to change his mind? Did you manage to find the right words and activities to change his mind?
dinners at home or lunches
How was your life in the medical profession? Did you find the answers you were looking for, were you able to understand everything?
I don't think anyone can understand precisely what Charlotte went through...
Has this same medical body been there for you too, to support you, answer all questions?
Did you accompany Charlotte to:
his doctors’ appointments? No
his chemos:
I found her once at her chemos
What was your first feeling when you first met the treatments (chemotherapy/hospital)?
I was sensitive to the fact that it seemed a place full of life, I did not feel the heaviness of the illness
How did you deal with Charlotte's many mood swings?
I didn't have to endure them and when she canceled one of our planned appointments, I understood
Did you get information on the internet?
What were your good plans to take your mind off things, get some fresh air, and recharge your batteries?
What are your best resources?
I didn't have to do it, I know the struggle of illness and I know that we are alone with our fears and suffering despite those around us.
Did you talk about it among friends to give each other advice and strength?
I talked about it with Z., the only mutual friend with Charlotte
What did you tell yourself to go the distance / what did you do?
sometimes we tried to talk about something else, I was impressed by the fact that Charlotte asked about my little worries, I was sometimes embarrassed to share them with her
Did you talk about it outside your circle to find resources and understand better?
yes I spoke about it to my doctor friends to reassure myself about the progress of his illness
Were you able to talk freely about it to your loved ones? Did you feel supported/supported/understood?
Your list of practical tips that you would have noted for support in the hospital or during chemo:
nothing I tried to arrive with a smile and try to make her laugh
What do you think you did wrong, or said? What reaction do you regret?
I hope nothing....
What advice would you give to other loved ones to arm themselves with courage?
be well surrounded
What has this ordeal changed in your life (your vision of the world, of those around you, any disappointments? Any great discoveries despite everything?)
she changed my vision of my friend who I found very worthy during the fight and so strong, I also thought strongly of her parents
What tips directly related to K do you want to share?
in case of stress I think that numbing yourself in front of candy crush is not bad ;) according to Charlotte hihi
Did you know what to offer Charlotte as comfort, did you bring her “gifts” sometimes to support her?
I believe in psychological and moral presence and not in gifts
Thank you my Gege for taking the time to respond, love u :)
<:en> <:>