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ITW n°13: Laure K fighter.-desktop ITW n°13: Laure K fighter.-mobile

ITW n°13: Laure K fighter.

<:fr>Hello Laure,

First of all, thank you very much for agreeing to share your K's story, it's really courageous and generous of you :)

Let's get started:

Who are you ?

First name: Laura

Age: Almost 45

Profession: New entrepreneur and president of an association, initially provincial pharmacist then Globe-trotter

Where do you live: Western suburbs of Paris, near the forest

Can you summarize your (K fighter) story for us ?

Which K:

Breast cancer, initially diagnosed as a small one but strangely the lymph nodes were affected, so total look: chemo, mastectomy, radiotherapy: no more breast, no more hair, a real roast sparrow!

When was it discovered?

In the middle of summer, between two moves (June we leave Poland, July “suspicious image”, August “K's diagnosis falls” (flute, everything is closed, no one to help me!! Except my beloved family, end of August moving in in Turkey and the children return to school, September return to France for the first operation and start of AR.

How old were you ?

39… I had dreamed of celebrating my 40th birthday like a star, the golden age of women it seems… it was off to a bad start….

Under what circumstances was it discovered?

routine gynecological examination with control mammo for adeno-fribromas, my luck in fact!

If you are currently undergoing treatment, or in remission (for how long?)

I am conscientiously finishing taking my hormone therapy (almost 5 years) and I hope not to have to continue for 10 years…

What treatment did you have?


FEC + Taxotere

radiotherapy: 33


1) tumorectomy + positive gg santinelle therefore axillary dissection

2) mastectomy (after chemo)

3) reconstruction 2 years later

What tips directly related to K do you want to share (your feeling with the doctor, your good plans for organizing treatment, anything that seems useful to you ;))?

During :

Taking care of yourself a little while you're sick allows you to be better, for yourself, your morale but also for others who are suddenly afraid of us!

Keep as much humor as possible and continue to live, make plans, parties

Personally, a big housewarming party even if I was “in a wig”! Nice memory among many.

and/or after the K:

Do not stay alone, you are often disoriented and out of step with those around you. Talk, move, prepare for your return to work, take the time to think about what you really want to do and don't forget to rest a little from the fatigue accumulated from months of treatment.

At any time, hug almost everyone! : hugs of comfort with your parents, your brothers and sisters, your friends, hugs of love and tenderness with your little ones, and the whole range of hugs with your darling (we feel more alive and if we are “bad” his shoulder comforts us... it's already not bad)


I hated the headset which I finally refused (migraine and sinusitis guaranteed for me)

I found it important to tell myself “mentally” that the chemo circulating in my blood was going to “burn” the crab and its circulating cells…

Take care of your skin, your nails, go take a socio-aesthetics course, very useful and nice!

In France, I had a lot of explanations, abroad, it was more complicated.

2/ hospital: nurse / doc / caregiver contact

I came across some great people!

3/ alternative medicine, if you have done so

Naturopathy to adapt my food during chemo, I found it great.

What did you do to clear your mind/clear your head (before chemo, surgery & co)?

In fact, as a mother of 3 children settling into a new country, I didn't ask myself too many questions.

I did Pilates every week, it was great.

What practical tips can you advise us?

1/ beauty: varnish/magic creams/scars & co

La Roche Posay nail polish, super moisturizing face cream, Nuxe oil (I like its soft scent)

2/ look, your favorite look chemo, hospital, every day to feel good / shopping

I used everything: wig, hats, turbans, etc.

I have never had so many compliments on my hairstyle as I did at that time!

3/ daily (sport, food & co)

pilates, walking, nap

The big happiness that we “organized” was to adopt a kitten and a puppy at the same time after treatment. So since then, I've been walking with my dog ​​every day!

What are the nugget phrases (that you remember) that someone said to you during K and that you could have avoided?

I erase the ugly stuff from my memory, so I don't remember it!

How did your loved ones support you?

I really appreciated the little text messages of support even when I didn't want to respond.

The concrete help from my family (mom, dad, mother-in-law, friends, etc.) to take care of the children, back-to-school meetings, shopping, looking after them so that I can go to France for treatment, etc.

I will always remain immensely grateful for my man who supported me and continued to love me at all stages of this ordeal… (as long as it lasts!!!)

What would be the useful (internet) links that helped you during K?

I would have loved to have been able to read Rose magazine when I fell ill... and of course, I think that www.monreseau-cancerdusein.com is useful for sharing, supporting each other, making concrete connections, finding useful information and addresses.

What has the K changed in your life...?

As with many people, knowing that it could end sooner than expected encourages you to enjoy it!

Free field ;)

Among my desires, I hope that this experience will allow me to support, in one way or another, other K fighters.


Thank you again for your testimony and for sharing your K/tips ;)

Lots of sweet positive thoughts (Laure: “I love sweet thoughts too!!”)

See you soon


<:en> ITW13CV LAURE Hello Laura,

First of all thank you heaps for accepting to share the history of your K, that's very brave and generous of you ☺

(I don't want to look tactless, so feel free to answer to the questions you want to, this is a “standard” form so you can skip whatever question and add those elements you think may be important if you consider I forgot something you wish to talk about…)

Let's start:

Who are you?

Name: Laura

Age: Almost 45

Job: Freelance and president of a non-profit organization, at the beginning I was pharmacist and then world traveler

Where do you live: Suburbs in Paris

Would you briefly tell us your history as (K fighter)?

May you tell us:

Which type of K (the cancer grade/stage, if you feel like )?

Breast Cancer diagnosed small but strangely it had touched the nodes so i had to go through the complete look: chemo, mastectomy, radiotherapy: no more breast, no more hair, a real roasted chicken!

When were you diagnosed with cancer?

During summer, in the middle of 2 movings (June we leave Poland, July “suspicious image”, August “The diagnosis of the K falls” (crap, everything is closed, nobody to help! Except my family, end of June I move to Turkey and back to school, September back to France for the 1st surgery and beginning of going back and forth.

How old were you?

39…I was dreaming of celebrating my 40's like a star, the golden age for women as they say…it started on the wrong foot…

Under what circumstances was it diagnosed?

normal check up at my gynecologist with a mammography to check for fibromas, my luck indeed!

Are you under treatment or in remission (since when?)

I continue consciously taking my hormonal therapy (soon 5 years) and I hope that I won't have to continue for 10 years…

Which kind of treatment did you undergo?

Chemo, if that is the case:

FEC + Taxotere

radiotherapy, if that is the case:

33 sessions


1 tumorectomy + auxiliary cleaning

2 mastectomy (after chemo)

3 reconstruction 2 years later

Is there any trick related with K that you would like to share with us? (your connection with your doctor, your treatment schedule, anything you think is useful ;))?


take care of ourselves while we are sick, that allows us to be better and feel better, but also for the others who suddenly are scared of us!

Keep a maximum of humor and continue to live, to make projects, parties

As for myself we did a big house warming party even if I was wearing "a wig"! Nice memory among others.

Do not stay alone, we are often confused and disconnected with our friends/family. Speak, go out, prepare your returns to work, take time to think about what you really want to do and not to forget to rest a little due to the fatigue accumulated by the months of treatment.

In any period, cuddle with almost everyone!: cuddles of comfort with his parents/relatives, with his/her brothers and sisters, his/her friends, cuddles of love and tenderness with his kids, and all the outfit of the cuddles with his /her darling (we feel more alive and if we are "not good" the shoulder comforts us and it is already not bad)

How did you feel the day before, the day of the session and the following days?

And did you have any tricks?

1/ chemo:

I hated the helmet which I have finally stopped weatring (migraine and sinusitis assured for me)

I found it important to say to myself "mentally" that the chemo which circulated in my blood was going "to burn" the crab and its circulating cells…

Take care of the skin, the nails, go to take a v-course of socio-aesthetics, very useful and nice!

In France, I had many explanations, abroad, it was more complicated.

2/ hospital: connection with nurses / doctors / caregivers

I was lucky, I fell on incredible people!

3/ alternative medicine, if any

Naturopathy to adapt my food during the chemo, I found it great.

What did you do to take your mind off / clear your mind (before chemo sessions, surgeries & co)?

In fact as mother of 3 children in full installation in a new country, I did not ask myself toomany questions.

I took Pilates classes every week, that was great.

Is there any practical trick you can advise us?

During and/or after K

1/ beauty:

nail polish La Roche Posay, face lotion very hydrating, Oil nuxe (i love the smell)

2/ look:

I used everything: wig, hat, turbans…

I have never had so many compliments on my hairstyle as at that time

3/ everyday life (sport, food & co)

pilates, walking, nap

The big Happiness that we have “organized” was to adopt a kitten and a puppy at the same time at the end of treatments. Since then, I walk every day with my dog!

Has anyone ever told you any tactless blunder during your K that could have been avoided?

I erase from my memory the ugly things, so I don't recall!

How did your loved ones support you? Is there any piece of advice you would share with the family members of a K fighter?

I appreciated a lot of the text messages of support even though I wouldn't have the strength to answer.

The concrete help of my family (mom, dad, mother-in-law, friends) to take care of my children, of the meetings for back to school, food shopping, watching them so that I go to look after myself in France, …

I shall always have an immense gratitude for my man who supported me and continued to love me in all the stages of this event (let's hope that it lasts!!!)

Is there any useful website that helped you out during your K?

I loved reading Rose magazine when I fell sick…and of course I think that www.monreseau-cancerdusein.com is good to share, support, create links, find infos and useful addresses.

Did K change your life ?

As for a lot, to know that the road may end earlier than expected, pushes to enjoy life more!

Now it 's up to you ;)

Tell us what you feel like (something that maybe I didn't ask you):

I hope that this experience will help me to support in one way or another some other K fighters.


Thanks again for your testimony and for sharing your K/tricks ;)

Stay positive!

See you soon

