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ITW n°12: Emilie super nurse.-desktop ITW n°12: Emilie super nurse.-mobile

ITW n°12: Emilie super nurse.

<:fr> ITW n°12: Emilie - Super Nurse. or “Super” nurse !

The nurses, our goodies, who make our lives sweeter during treatments:


today I'm interviewing the wonderful Emilie.

You will have understood, she and I know each other well. Emilie & her wonderful sidekick / teammate Francisco , were part of my long battle and hold a very special place in my memory, as you could read in my post 14 (home care) , for 4 months we found each other almost every day morning & evening ;)!

Indeed, it was this amazing team that was able to // make us smile again P. & me, during the darkest period of my history: these 4 months locked up at home with all my pockets ( my Ostomy & my nutrition pockets ). As you have probably understood throughout the posts, I try to only keep the "positive" of this K war ( without denying reality, but it is better to only keep the positive to better move forward and rebuild ), and know that E. & F. really helped to embellish these memories despite everything. Without knowing it, they made my life sweeter, morning & evening I was "joy" to find them again even in these not very fun circumstances, because in addition to being extremely competent, attentive, efficient, redoubling of practical tips, always looking for the best solutions to help me, above all I will always keep in mind these 2 very nice encounters :), thank you both (thank you it's not even enough)

Yes, K is hard, but it also allows you to meet very, very beautiful people, so I am delighted and a little moved I admit to present to you " Wonder Nurse" Emilie in this ITW n°12 :)

Let's get started:


Who are you ?

First name: Emilie

Age : 34 years old

Where do you live : Boulogne

Where do you exercise : 75, 92, 78

Profession : liberal nurse

What are you specialized in?

In oncology

Why did you choose these specialties?

Completely by chance, I wanted to work in the emergency room, to specialize as an anesthesiologist. When I started my career there were no positions, I was offered chemotherapy... While waiting for a position to become available. When the position became available I refused immediately. Chemotherapy care is heavy for patients but the humanity that reigns in these services is magnificent.

How do you manage the “states of mind” of some of your patients?

I imagine that your work sometimes pushes you into bad moods, how do you deal with it?

Managing "moods" is ultimately one of my essential functions, the gestures must be precise but the very essence of my job is listening, support, empathy... A reassured and confident patient will experience care much better.

It is extremely rare at home to have to endure “bad moods” from patients. I do not depend on a hierarchy, nor on a system that is heavy to manage. In direct interactions with patients, I defined a way of working, of supporting patients according to my values ​​and my deep aspirations.

But when this happens, I understand, it's normal to be angry about this illness, to experience the feeling of injustice badly, etc. So I listen without judging.

In addition to your fundamental role of supporting care, you sometimes have to take on a somewhat “psychological” role. What do you advise your patients to manage their stress/anxiety during care? and/or acceptance of the illness?

Listening is the most important thing for me, I have not received training in psychology, I do the best I can, I try to provide a reassuring presence. I have just completed my training as a hypnotherapist, which also helps me a lot in counseling patients.

It all depends on the person, the advice is very different depending on age, treatments, progression of the disease, etc.

There are many things possible:

Sport with specialized coaches, sophrology, meditation, reflexology, eating well... being well surrounded, continuing to go out even if it's very little... these tips really need to be adapted depending on the person.

What advice do you give to loved ones who often have to ask you?

Do you take the time to talk to them, to reassure them?

Again, the advice is very different from one person to another. But just as it is important for the patient to practice physical activity, to do good for themselves, it seems to me that loved ones must also really take care of themselves. I recommend it very often. Get some fresh air, go out, have a little fun, play sports, talk to a therapist...

What do you recommend to manage anxiety and insomnia? (no medications necessarily, it could be tips)

Relaxation methods

meditation, sophrology, and hypnosis of course!

What are your tips for facilitating treatment (in a flirtatious, not medical context) ;)?

The creams:

at Avène and La Roche Posay are effective and hypoallergenic

There is also the VEA range which is excellent!


Mepitel are excellent, same performance as Tegaderm,

For eyebrows:

in case of fall: permanent makeup gives an excellent result. ( the boudoir of the gaze , the eyebrow workshop )


in case of hair loss, have one in very soft organic cotton. It's more comfortable to sleep. Some are very pretty and can also be worn during the day.

Do you believe in the benefits of alternative medicine?

Yes !

If yes, which ones do you think are fundamental during K

I see the help for patients in certain specialties, in addition to the care


Reflexology which helps reduce nausea for chemo-induced nausea

Hypnosis for stress, acceptance of bodily changes, nausea, catheter installation…

But in my opinion the most important thing is to practice physical activity !

To combat fatigue linked to treatments and illness, sport is very beneficial.

It must be done in a supervised manner but it is essential for the body and the mind

There is an association in the Paris region, CAMI.

There are also more and more individual coaches who are training and working from home.

Josué, my squash teacher, also trained at CAMI

It offers at home in Paris:

JOSUE: 06 64 81 73 75

What do you advise your patients to avoid waste when their care is finished, because they are often delivered with too much equipment….

The simplest thing is to return the equipment to the service provider... but everything will be thrown away, it's the law.

I found an association that can take the material and put it to very good use


this allows them to exchange the equipment for free care at the M'Bour hospital for Senegalese children living on the streets.

Are you able to take enough distance when you go into your daily life so as not to be too impacted? Do you have any remedies to shield yourself?

I did my final thesis on the emotions of caregivers, this research work helped me a lot, I met great people, and learned a lot about myself. And above all, I understood that we should ESPECIALLY not try to shield ourselves!

I fully integrated the concept of empathy before even starting to work.

And then my uncle gave me some valuable advice one day:

be the nurse you would like to see around your loved ones

When I go home, satisfied with what I have done for the patients, I have no reason to continue thinking about it. I live in the present moment with patients and I live in the present moment at home :)

What do you do to take your mind off things when you are too affected?

To be a good caregiver I believe you must already know how to take care of yourself, that's what I do every day.

But when I am sad for a patient I allow myself to be sad, just as I can allow myself to be happy with them.

Why did you agree to testify:

Intervening in your care journey was a real pleasure, showing other patients who are the professionals who share their daily lives for a while is a pleasure.

In a few words what pushed you to choose this profession:

I took classes at law school for a while, it was very interesting but I was really missing something, deep down I always knew that I wanted to “take care” I think. As a teenager, I had the opportunity to work in the summer in a center for children with multiple disabilities. These children gave me so much, I didn't feel like I was working at all... I understood that this job was made for me.

Free field:

Thanks to this job I met extraordinary people. On a daily basis I am amazed by the generosity of patients and their kindness towards caregivers. What we give you, you give back to us every day.


I think it's important to have professional testimony, to show patients & loved ones that the fight against K is also teamwork & that the more of us there are, the stronger the battle is!! And it can help patients better understand the psychology of the medical profession ;)

Thank you a thousand times for agreeing to share your testimony, it is essential to better master all the tricks of K, to arm yourself with strength & courage.

See you soon Charlotte<:en>

“Wonder” nurse !

Nurses, our good fairies, who give our lives softer during treatments:



today let's meet the great Emilie.

First of all thank you for accepting to share your experience, today this interview is most importantly about sharing your experience and your “feelings” as a specialist of the K but most importantly as a sensitive human and caring ;)

Let's start:


Who are you?

Name Emilie

Age: 34 years old

Where do you live: Boulogne (France)

Where do you work: 75, 92, 78 (France)

Job: Nurse (freelance)

What are you specialized in ?

In Oncology

Why did you choose this specialty?

Like this, destiny, I want to work in ER, and be specialized in anesthesiology. When I started my career, there was no job, they then offered Chemotherapy… While waiting for a position. When the job was available I refused. The treatments in chemotherapy are heavy for the patients but the humanity that exists in this service is beautiful.

I can imagine that sometimes your job pushes to deal with bad moods, how do you handle it?

-Handle the mood swings is one of my primary function, the gesture has to be precise but the essence of my job is to list, to accompany, to care…

A patient who is reassured will handle better the treatments.

- It is extremely rare when you work at the patient's home to be have to handle the “bad moods” of the patients. I do not depend on a heavy structure nor on a boss. I am in direct contact with the client, I define a way of collaborating and accompanying the patients with my values ​​and my beliefs.

But when it happens, I understand, It is normal to be mad against this sickness, to be unhappy and to feel that it is unfair… so I listen without judgment.

More that you primary role of a being the nurse and providing the treatment, you have to be sometimes the shrink , what do you recommend to your patients to handle stress / anxiety / and/ or accepting the sickness?

Listening is the most important for me, I haven't received a training in psychology, i do my best, i try to be reassuring. I just finished my training in hypnosis, which helps me a lot to advice patients.

Everything depends on the persons, the advice will be different due to age, treatment, evolution of the sickness.

There are a lot of things possible:

Sport with specialized trainers, sophrology, meditation, reflexology, eat well…. be well accompanied, to go out even if it's just for a little…. these advices really depend on the person.

What do you advice to the relationships that must often contact you?

Do you take time to speak to them, reassure them?

Here again, advices are very different from one person to another. But as it is important for the patient to do some sport, go out, I feel that the friends / family should also take care of themselves, I advise that very often. Go out, make yourself happy, do some sport, talk to a doctor..

What do you recommend for anxiety, insomnia? (not always medicine it can be tricks)

Relaxation, meditation, sophrology and hypnosis of course

What are your tips to facilitate treatments ( more in to look cute, not medicine) ;)?

The creams : Avene & Roche Posay are very good and without odor

VEA also exists which is excellent


Band-aid: mepitel are great, same stands for tegaderm,

For eyebrows , if you loosen them, the permanent make up (tattoo) gives an excellent result.

Hats: in case you loose your hair, get one in a very soft organic cotton. To sleep it is more comfortable.

Some are very nice and you can also wear them during the day.

Do you believe in the benefits of parallel medicine?


If yes, for you which ones are the essentials during the K

I recommend for some patients

Acupuncture (Dr Jeannin in the 16th in Paris is specialized in oncology)

Reflexology that helps to reduce the nausea due to chemo

Hypnosys for stress, accepting that your body is changing, the pose of the catheter…

But for me what remains essential is to practice sport!

To fight against the fatigue linked to the sickness and the treatments, sport is very good.

You have to do in a very structured way with trainers that understand what you can and cannot do but for me it is essential for the body and soul.

There is an organization in Paris that provides this CAMI


There are also individual trainers that can go to ones home

Josué my traitor was trained by the CAMI

He comes to ones home

JOSUE: 06 64 81 73 75

What do you recommend to your patient to avoid to throw away all the medicine / material that have received once their treatment is done, because often you get way too much of everything…

The best is to give it back… but everything will be thrown it is the law.

I found an organization that can reuse the material for good cause


this helps to exchange material for free treatment at the hospital the M' Bourf to provide Kids from Senegal that live in the streets.

Do you manage to keep enough distance when you come back to your life to not be too shaken up? Do you have any tips to avoid it to “touch you”?

I did my thesis on Emotions for nurses, this work of research helped me a lot because I understand that most importantly you shouldn't try to avoid the feelings or for it not to touch you!

I completely integrate the concept of caring before even starting to work

and my uncle gave me a very wise advice one day:

“be the nurse that you would want to have”

When I come home, satisfied with what I did for the patient, I have no reason to continue thinking about it. I live the moment with the patient and I live the moment when I am home ☺

What do you to empty your head when you are too emotionally involved?

Well to be able to be a good nurse you already have to know how to take of yourself, this is what I do on a daily basis.

But I can also be sad for a patient, I authorize myself to be it just as much as I am allowed to be happy for him.

Free space (tell us what you want, that wasn't in the question above)?

Thanks to this job I discovered amazing good people.

On a daily basis I am astonished by the generosity and the care of the patient towards the care givers. What we give, you give it back to us.


I believe that it is important to have a testimonial of a professional, to show the patients & family that the fight against the K it is also a team work and the more we are the stronger we are to fight! And it can help the patients to better understand the psychology of medicine ;)

Thank you a thousand times for having accepted to share your testimonial, it is essential to better understand all the tips for K, to arm yourself with strength & bravery

See you very soon

