(taken from our Instagram post from July 10) I was thinking about that the other day when one of you, following a post, made this comment: “the girl who exudes happiness” when talking about me . I was a little taken aback, even if the intention was adorable it made me think, my brain and its famous permanent overheating ;) I hardly believe in blissful happiness, but in small victories over moments of torment, which when put end to end make you say: "right now, I feel good". I belong to the clan of those who always see the glass as half full, rather than half empty.. that's how I am made. Yet ! In the age of social networks and the filter! Let us pay attention to the famous hiding misery or hiding truth, as the case may be, which dictates that we show ourselves in our best light by obscuring or disguising reality. Unless you are a “happy imbecile” it seems more fair to me to approach the notion of happiness in a very ephemeral way, perhaps, but passionately, by savoring each tiny wonderful moment and the real moments of real life. I'm a bit like sad clowns, smile emphasized from ear to ear (just betrayed by my expression lines around my mouth and white hair) to make us forget that the eyes would tell another story, long and winding. Under the smile, my big teeth 🐰 give the impression, a sort of smile therapy like in Ally Mac Beal, remember? Morality even if I hate moralizers: Let's stop comparing ourselves to the idealized visuals of the web, let's accept our weaknesses to make them a driving force, take a good crack to bounce back better, that's my credo and smile all teeth out it works really well! Our dear Balzac said “a man is very strong when he admits his weakness” a nice point of view that I share without reservation! And without forgetting to take advantage of those who contribute fully... Take care of yourself above all #desrevesanenplusfinir