Learn - resume your studies...
“ Freedom is not being able to do what you want, but wanting what you can.”jean paul SartreWhen we were young, let's be honest, we prayed to finish school, university, prep, studies as quickly as possible... And now that we've been out of it for a few years already, we find ourselves wondering if we might go back to school... we have to believe that things aren't going well with us! Except that this kind of thinking, when we know that 10% of students are adults who have already worked, must be running through the minds of many of us…. There are many reasons why the idea of going back to school comes to mind:
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.”Albert EinsteinWhatever the case, we must be able to grant ourselves this freedom to change and start again in exchange for an inevitable lot of sacrifices.Financial first, when you choose to abandon a job and your salary to devote yourself solely to your files... Which not everyone can afford. We will then consider combining the two, even if it means leading a double life and agreeing to put vacations, hobbies, family and social life on hold. Even if today, in an attempt to make the challenge more accessible, universities are developing more and more modules specially designed for adult students. Like programs with staggered schedules, intensive seminars or distance or correspondence courses which I will tell you about a little further on. In this case, it will be much easier to reconcile student and personal life. If we dare to take the plunge we will also, inevitably, have some concerns. Being the oldest in your class, finding yourself with young people perhaps the same age as your children...So what! It rejuvenates us, gives us a boost, there's nothing to be ashamed of! And we are convinced that the little young people in question have a lot to learn, in all humility themselves, from cohabitation with someone more mature, who has already experienced successes as well as failures in other fields and who precisely dares to question himself to give meaning to his life. We will also have to rediscover the learning automatisms that we have not experienced for...several years! Read theory, memorize, write more or less long writings... Or, putting up with the fear of failure and grades that don't live up to our hopes or what we feel we deserve. It's crazy to see how much less that mattered to us back then! It is our experience and our maturity that make us feel free to return to studies and take responsibility for becoming young again. So let’s take advantage of this strength to embark on this beneficial and fulfilling project! Concretely, what happens if we take the plunge? Already, we can benefit from a Professional Transition Project which is aimed at employees under certain seniority conditions. This one-year training allows you to maintain your status and rights as an employee and does not necessarily have to be related to the company's activity. If you want to remain discreet about your recovery, there are also distance training courses or evening classes. The Interuniversity Distance Education Federation lists a large part of the distance learning courses offered by universities throughout France, this already gives a good overview! If the desire is there but you don't know where to start, you can always consult a professional coach and work with him for a few sessions or take a look at the Bloom'r assistant and its online program which helps us ask ourselves the right questions about our work and our needs and gives us an action plan for the future.Nib: BPB |