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Alain - leather is him

Georges Braque liked to say “I like the rule which corrects emotion. I like the emotion that corrects the rule.” The most unbridled creators, or more simply the most inventive, would remain in dry dock if a myriad of makers and craftsmen in search of the right gesture did not come to give shape and life to this indecisive moment that we call inspiration.

However, I have the immense good fortune to have known Alain for 10 years, one of these excellent manufacturers.

The biggest fashion houses have entrusted him with the work of their leather pieces, including Chanel under the empire of the late Karl Lagerfeld.

The one we nicknamed "the Kayser" was legendary in his demands, which shows that Alain and his team cannot compromise on quality and deadlines. In this team, where the spirit of companionship is felt as soon as one enters the hive of Boulevard Voltaire, there are the faithful Selal, the fashion designer, and Lionel, the model maker.

If this great team has never compromised with quality, it is not because it evolves in an ecosystem of remonstrance and submission, following the whims of a client. Such a system would be the surest way to spread the poison that destroys confidence, dries up talent, esprit de corps and reputation. No, it's quite the opposite, the requirement which spontaneously generates quality comes from a subtle alchemy composed of experience accumulated without routine, the permanent quest for the right gesture and then, above all, looks which shine exchanged between the creator and his maker at the moment when both say to each other: “that’s good, here we are”. Every business is about passion.

These moments are my reason for being an entrepreneur. Nothing is more beautiful and vibrant than feeling that you are the final link in this human chain. When you wear Irving, our leather jacket, I bet you will have a special thought for Alain and his workshop .

For 10 years there have been wonderful encounters in my little Pantheon, the kind that have never let go of my hand on the walkway that goes from my drawing board to your locker room.

To get to know him better, go to @misterk on IGTV.
Take care of yourself, always.